oh for sure, I still think childs is the thing and macready is not
oh for sure, I still think childs is the thing and macready is not
ya thats crazy cool. Except right in the first sentence it tells you childs is the thing which hurts the ending of the film but still really good.
See I always felt for sure mac wasnt but that the ambiguousness of Childs was always there made the ending really good.
Hot damn! love that blue
You should have said fuck politeness waaay before that! You a murderino?
No shit!? Thats a great choice for a tat!
Was this at ENMU? I grew up in Albuquerque and know a few people who went there.
Great story! I dont have any scary stories but my favorite memory of FF 8 is when it launched and 4 or 5 of my friends got it and all brought their TV’s over and all of us played it for like 2 days straight. So obviously this is 1999 and we have all our big honking tube tv’s that we are playing on and no one wanted to…
Lived in Salt Lake most of my life and been to the JMB so many times for so man y different things and I know exactly what stairs you are talking about. I never have a good feeling when I am there.
Isnt it “Look at me”?
Go for it. Dont know why you are asking permission hahaha
Im confused then what could it have been?
Fuck!!!!! That means pedro was having some Necrophilia fun. Jesus thats terrifying.
Ya that shit is a good story. false but good
thats some spooky shit
So the gnome caught dinner eh?
Can you record it?
Sorry but if Brighams Brew is not on there then this isnt a real test
Love that quote
Dont worry, I do.