
Hopefully the price will drop once the production numbers increase - $50 is a lot for a metal filter. Though to be fair, if you're using this you also have a very nice, very expensive grinder and diminishing returns in coffee quality is a dedicated hobby. Or you are wealthy.

@MrCheatachu: In theory, not in practice, from what I gather. They're also less efficient, not customizeable, more expensive, and require awkward frame designs. Chains are dirt cheap, last for more than just a few miles, can be customized for length, and do not require special frame designs. they're also lighter when

Wait till they reveal that Darth Vader was, at one point, supposed to have armor in a glossy mauve.

I was shamed at a museum by using a student ID that had expired a year prior. I've since avoided the risk. However, I still use it for online discounts, free amazon prime and to access my universities library databases.

@MrCheatachu: And on that subject, you can get fantastic bikes with internal gearing and a more durable chain for 1/3rd the cost of the trek shown here.

@farcedude: This is why you shouldn't lock bikes in the back of alleys.

@Royal-Jonsun: Yeah, he really lost control, didn't he...

@jswilson64: Sigh. They do have a bad reputation, but so long as you don't match your chain color to your wheels, you'll probably be OK. I have full fenders and all sorts of dork accessories on my fixed gear.

@Gazoogleheimer: Hmm, most people who ride them aren't dumb enough to think they're going to set speed records on downhills, but that's not why they ride them. If you have healthy knees, they're very practical city bikes for maintenance issues and for the low-speed, in traffic manuevarability they afford. They're also

Moleskine: please go away.

@aec007: I am sure they're selling, but probably at much lower rates. Remember, wii sales were so high because they tapped an untouched market. A lot of wii's were bought for or by people new to console gaming who essentially jumped onto a hype-wagon. Once the new-console honeymoon phase was over, these people, for

@aec007: My guess is most wii buyers don't by games on any sort of schedule, and I suspect a large percentage of wii owners have systems they rarely use and almost never think of buying new games.

These are impressively ugly. Also, exposed bulbs, unless done right (and these are not), provide very harsh lighting.

@cycle-ops: Makes every bit of sense. Cheers, and good luck to you.

@cycle-ops: I can especially see the logic behing the last point.

@cycle-ops: I know very little about triathlons aside from the basics, so I must ask - why do you need weight training? It doesn't help any one of the sports unless you're elite level in that sport...

@gthing: Moleskine's are made in China. I wonder if your knockoffs are made at a factory that produces moleskines.

@will_hopkins: Seconded. Fantastic paper, and many great form factors. And, in spite of having only paper covers and staple binding, they're more durable than the moleskines I carried before I knew better.

Is Tron/Disney an undisclosed sponsor of Gizmodo?