For Lifehacker’s 10th anniversary, we spent the last month looking at some of our favorite tips and guides from the…
You’re interviewing for a job and you think it’s a good one, but you’re not completely sure. Before you accept the…
From the very beginning, Lifehacker has always been about getting things done. But there’s only so much optimizing…
Last week we took a look at why the Roth IRA is so popular, but many of you still had a wide range of questions…
Being the office overachiever might feel good, what with all the pats on the back and thumbs ups from your boss. But…
You can’t expect to be perfectly understood by everyone all the time. Despite knowing this, many of us still try. If …
Buying a car is a pretty big deal—emotionally and financially. The last thing you want to do is have buyer’s remorse…
With the right knowledge and a little bit of forethought, the first person on the scene at an accident can make the difference between life and death. I just wish I’d thought about this stuff before I found a rider down, trapped under his own bike on a desolate road. Here’s what happened. [Jalopnik]
SQL is the world’s most popular language for managing and manipulating databases. Today, Codecademy launched a free…
Self-help books (and blogs) are big business because we all want to believe we can fix our own problems. In F*ck…
With every successful weight loss story, it’s hard to avoid getting hyper-focused on someone’s visual changes, or…
Cutting back on electricity can save you some cash, but the savings vary. For example, unplugging an idle phone…
If you’ve ever wanted to magically make something move with a wave of your hand, this Raspberry Pi project can make…
If you cook tofu regularly, you know that even buying the extra firm tofu at the store means it’ll still be a…
A few hours watching the Discovery Channel can prompt extreme survival fantasies involving frog licking and urine…
We make many decisions based on how we think we'll feel in the future, but often those predictions are wrong.…