A Guy Named Kevin

The question itself is dumb. What would happen if Superman was malevolent instead of benevolent? Anything Superman wanted to happen. There is nothing on this planet that could kill him. His powers are limitless. He could do whatever he wanted and there isn’t a thing anyone or anything could do to stop him.

That is WAY more interesting! I know this is a horror movie so it’s not really what it’s going for, but that’s a much more thoughtful idea about how to riff on the Superman thing. 

“More for the price” is such a slippery idea, though. Lady Bird is a great 90-minute movie and A Star is Born is a pretty good 135-minute movie. Is A Star is Born giving you more for the money, just by being longer and not bad?

This seems interesting enough to check out. But it sounds like it may suffer from deciding that its Superman stand-in needed to become fully evil in the way that the iconic version of Superman is fully good. Once you make an all-powerful character fully evil it seems like you’re locked into some predictable endgames.

So this movie is really more of a what if Goku didn’t hit his head on a rock and turn nice as a baby?