
Sunset Overdrive > Spider-Man

...a pine tree air freshener to the car but seems to have failed to remove it from its retail packaging. What is up with that?

If it gets 57.5 with that crazy suspension they could get at least 58 just by lowering it to normal car height. Oh wait... there is no way this thing can go fast enough for aerodynamics to play any roll what so ever so I withdraw this comment. ;)

do these guys know that they can another game if they hate this one so much

I certainly did, Tom, and can you show me where it say something along the lines of “buyers that engage in immoral activities are due whatever comes their way from the banks they’re trying to screw”? Because that’s what this is, Tom. It’s the consumer trying to screw over the bank. Edit: Which, by the way, also did

Does no one here fault the morality of the buyer?!? Jesus H - its like Tom is completely absolving the buyer of any fault, here. Nobody held a gun to the buyer’s head and said “sign here”. This speaks more to the “I deserve a new car” mentality of people than it does to the sales tactics of a car dealer. Dealers are

It might actually have some good acting with an all female cast.

This gif really shows just how great King of the Hill was. 

When you can’t see the drivers head / helmet you loose some of the personality of the sport. But I applaud better safety.

When I used to play saxophone we would use tenor reeds on alto. It gave you a bigger and deeper sound. There was really no down side that I was ever aware of.

Oddly enough he sold it back to gamestop for $13 in store credit.

For the love of god, stop it.   This is NOT the end of the decade.  That event is in a year from now.  Stop with the lists of best and them for December 31, 2020.  Thank you.

At least the Cybertruck will actually be made by Tesla and not just be... like a Ford underneath.

As the Trump administration and the GOP continue their purge of “excessive regulations” we will see more and more of this. 

I’m holden out hope for a relaunch...

This is not an autopilot error. Just Elon out driving drunk and high again, so everything in normal and fine. Nothing to worry about.

As an enthusiast, I’m not enthusiastic about fun cars becoming increasingly unobtainable. 

You are incorrect. A prosecutor should know that “what happens in front of your house” is, in fact, police business. Inside your house? Your business. Your back yard? Mostly your business. But what happens in front of your house is always police business.