Hollywood Cole

I’m sick of all this Curry love in the NBA these days.

You can't describe this with words, but this might help:

Good one. The best beer for me will be that Nugget Nectar I open at 5 p.m. tonight at the beginning of a glorious 4-day weekend with no plans and a huge tax refund check in the bank waiting to be spent.

This is just DRIPPING with irony.

Please oh please have this guy somehow make an NBA roster and try doing this to Z-Bo

Julien Edelman bailed rather quickly as he grew tired of being asked to give some insight into the evolution of the market economy in the southern colonies.

Do you enjoy anything?

Cam doesn't need anything for his birthday, and that's actually actual factual actual fact.

89B? Sounds like he's thinking of Lane Bryant.

So in other words citizens shouldn't judge cops based off the actions of a select few, but cops should definitely judge citizens based off the actions of a select few...

Honestly, who hasn't looked like that after a long night at a wine bar?

People call Gronk stupid. They call him an airheaded idiot. That he can't learn nothin'. Well here's proof otherwise. Sure it took almost three years, but finally, finally someone taught him how to Dougie.

Man, Mark McGrath really let himself go.

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale is that person you were "just friends" with in high school and couldn't date because they were like your sibling. They're your first taste of a hint of romance, but you move on, trying for "bigger and better". You hit the club scene, spend 100s of dollars on the high end stuff. You really waste

you really think some kid who's getting surprised with NFL playoff tickets needs some stranger to buy him a video game? why don't you bring some food to a homeless shelter or something...

Why isn't Robinson Canó wearing pants?

''Without these things being corrected, I don't think basketball will be something I can even do.''

Bowlsby needs to be fired with immediate effect. He can't get it done for our conference, plus now he's admitting that a) wins don't matter and b) he's a biased little smegma flake.

Stand up for Michael stealing a forty. I hate this element. They don't give two shits about Michael Brown or any of the bigger issues here. Instead, they chose to vandalize minority owned businesses and to loot.