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To Democrats it’s only bad when the Republicans do it.

Here’s hoping for a federal pound-you-in-the-ass prison.

She really dropped the ball by not yelling out “Later Gator!” as she walked off.

how did duke not land this kid?

This is so sad to see. No choice but to ship off my son to live with his aunt and uncle (who live in Bel Air).

To be fair, he only joined the crime ring very recently after it started doing well.

Defender didn’t slap the floor, how can you play D if you don’t slap the floor. he never had a chance.

I have a hot take about this.

You deserve everything bad if you park in handicap spots and aren’t handicap

Remember when there was a time that Deadspin was always upset about the NFL not caring about players breaking the law? You know like Ray Rice knocking out his girlfriend? Now someone says that shit isn’t ok and they will have zero tolerence for it and somehow that’s now bad?

Hmmm, and yet Ed Hochuli brazenly displays his guns with no recourse.

Players indeed were skeptical that Love became sick Saturday night. Many were angry and the scene threatened to become ugly. But then Love produced the receipt from Taco Bell, 3 Chalupas and a bean burrito. At that point all the tension in the room vanished.

Stephan Diggs tearing off his helmet and launching it into space is the NFL equivalent of a righteous bat flip and I love it so much.

Great job interjecting race into a discussion that has nothing to do with it. Very helpful.

Well did you cum or what?

So Sarkisian would have to decide to make a lateral move from a playoff team to a sinking ship with no OL and star players openly feuding/auditioning for other teams.

I think you missed the real conspiracy theory, that Belichik traded Garoppolo to Brady’s childhood team out of spite to Brady. One last twist of the knife making Brady watch as Garoppolo goes on to great success with the team he grew up watching and likely always wanted to play for?

This is the HR person saying nice things after she explains COBRA.

Nah, he’s a shitty parent because his 8-year old kid threw a tantrum consisting of f-bombs.

Heck no. He’s a vicious sore loser. He wants the ball. He hates when his brother gets it. When he doesn’t get the ball, he goes crazy. He throws rocks.