Clay Chew

In regards to baby names, maybe stay away from Dylan? Ya got Klebold from columbine, ya got Storm-roof from that church he shot up, and that kid who was mean to me in first grade. Fuck Dylan.

Man, this post will never get the recognition it deserves. Brilliant. Holy shit. YOU BLEW MY MIND.

What’s wrong with that?

What did he say that was dumb?

Haha I watch Nintendo’s stock every day. At one point it was down 8.6 percent today which is the largest single day drop in a really long time. The last drop coincided with the Superbowl commercial and the one before that coincided with the day after the last smash direct.

You are getting alot of hate for this, but I agree. I think alot of people are blind to Nintendos faults. I don’t know that you or me can necessarily be annoyed yet cause they wouldn’t announce a game for the NX before they officially announce the console, but I agree that a pokemon game would be a system seller for

Most UK fans arent like that. Some UK fans are fucking awful, but the vast majority are normal fans. Of course you see the bad stuff because that’s what stands out.

As a University of Kentucky fan and student, I can understand why most of my peers are poking fun and excited about bad things happening to Louisville as a result of all of this. To me, if Pitino leaves or if the program receives punishment, it kind of dampens my excitement for one of my favorite matchups and