
Lmao.hahahahahahahhahaha. wait wait wait. You want to know how to block a data mining service that YOU personally have to sign up and give your data to?!?! Simple. Dont sign up. Social media is Facebook’s second purpose it’s first is data. See that 355 billion up there? They didn’t make it by giving you a platform to

Not sure why people are jumping on you for this comment, it’s a pretty important detail to leave out of the main story.

people willfully misconstrued your comment. you wanting the article to note the murder of the family pet isn’t prioritizing its murder over the lost lives of the wife and kids. sometimes,the commenters can be insufferable.

I think this is an interesting detail, actually.

Mentioning the dog wouldn’t be so much of an improper prioritization as it could be used as maybe an insight into the mind of whichever of the adults committed this horrible tragedy.

I’m sorry. We’ll have to flag your comment for breaking the prime directive.

If the reporter were shoving a mic in her face with a camera crew surrounding her, I could understand the mother flipping out (minus the racial slurs). But the reporter and cameraperson were standing well away from the mother, not focused on her at all...and the mother came out of her way to attack them.

It’s funny that you think THAT’S the reason people are calling out your racism

Girl. You just busted out “I have black friends”? For real?

Oh holy shit! What the fuck! You have several people telling you exactly why you are wrong and you still insist you know shit. You’re like someone who believes the Earth is flat. You were given all these examples and irrefutable evidence and you just refuse to accept the truth.

When you find yourself explaining that something you said or did can’t possibly be racist because you have friends who aren’t white, it’s generally a good time to stop digging.

You didn’t just say you had conflicting feelings. You said you understand why the white woman acted the way she did. You empathized with a racist. You chose the side of a woman who attacked another for being Black. (and, yes, when you call us nigger you are attacking us for being Black. I don’t give a fuck what else

Sweet! The “my best friend is Black!” argument. I had a feeling it would come up eventually.

Is Jez overrun with racist idiots or did they come outta the woodwork just to defend this disgusting woman? Lord.

How would you feel?

Um. There are no comparisons in grief, and this woman’s probably at the end of her rope. But if you think that excuses this behavior I’d like to introduce you to Mike Brown’s mother. And Tamir Rice’s mother. And etc.

I’m not condoning racism. I’m just saying people grieve in their own way. wanna do something sometime?

At what point in the children’s game can we start physically attacking the other players for succeeding? I don’t know. That’s for the crying babies filling their diapers about it to decide I guess.