claudia mastro

Lol ahahaha omg they tour outside Italy? Ahahahaha.

Elio e le storie Tese are huge here .they are fantastic musician though I don t dig their music (oh who am I kidding ?i am I Italian to the bone and I hate Italian music.i think it's z level when it's good) .i think their song tapparella has a great great sound if you forget the word so I suggest you to listen it http

Definitely oh no its just that its just such an Unicum for Italy cause its in south but has no beaches and its cold.

I hated this episode as much as the ny one .the Antonia storyline was so …embarrassing to follow . It seemed something from a c level TV movie ,I don't know ,one of those who end with a voice off and a black card saying what happened to who and to never being caught in those fuckery! It was like a "special"of some

It tastes orribile.great you liked it but when I tasted it (of course it was an Australian to introduce me to it) i tought "I'm so lucky to be Italian".its basically yeast and it s a fast way to have vitamin b instead of you know to have it through good tasting food . I don't see why anyone would like it.whatever food

I think to have your name on the jersey is more popular cause a lot of men use to play calcetto (a kind of soccer u play only with 5 person between friends ) during week time usually on evening .is a quite common male recreation activity and so some ask to have their name on a jersey (of course u can play also with a

well but the fact that he is not into roma party scene was already clear from the segment when the horrible woman invited him at the party and his being grossed out by tat was already evident in that (and btw:why did he even go?) .lets be honest duss is being on a funk since day 1, we know he wants to leave, we don t

anyway i was shocked to learn that basilicata is a terribly cold region! it in the south but winter as freezy as hell!!! horrible!!!

of course of course! especially 70 or even 50 years ago…you lived all your like in the same town, of course you would ONLY speak dialect.
i have a friend of my who was teached to speak veneto without even ever go there, just to sepak with the oldest people who lived with her, in latium region, neverthless .
as i said

I think that scene was totally a waste of time prolly added just to make minutes.sorrentino lives to share the lives of the very rich and very stupid, in all his works,but this was stupid cause 1) no one in his right mind will ever even think dussolier is ever gonna sleep either with that woman or any else at the

Omg yeah roman accent and Neapolitan accent are completely different! But also between all the 5 cities of Lazio (who are much less distant than from Naples) there s nothing in from Latina and our accent it's very similar to romans one but still u can say im from Latina .and we re like 70 km south of Rome!.

I notice you people really liked that :) . I barely noticed when I saw it .in Italy it's very very common to sport soccer jersey in your spare time even if you are a priest. Even the pope did it.sorrentino as almost anyone in Italy is a huge soccer fan. And so referres ti soccer a lot. But soccer is a true religion

Naples indeed

As much as I get why Sorrentino would put so much napoletanism in his show (he is from Naples) im always a bit dismissed by the fact he ignores romans whil u know shooting in Rome . no one in the Vatican speaks roman or seems to come from Rome . No reference to it. even the cleaning lady (the only foreigner) was a

PArty scene was redundant . If the point was being sexy it just wasn't .if it was to show u just don't get laid in Rome as in Honduras (threesome will be done with much less sexier woman and man) he already showed with the invitation scene .it was just disgusting. And also a bit sexist.i wouldn't have no problem with

I noticed that on IMDb dussolier appears to be on the show for 10 episodes. Does it mean he is been edited?

about the great beauty
1)the girl he "dates" has a very strong roman accent and is quite vulgar in general(beside, ya know, being a stripper).she is a very very famous italian sex bomb, Sabrina Ferilli. I don't know if you spot it, but she sports a pope woitjla tatoo, too.
2)Jep's friend Romano is played a Carlo

The prime minister is a not so thinly veiled view of our real ex prime minister,Renzi. I always wonder if people from outside get those kind of with that scene in the great beauty when the boy starts playing with a ball on the note of "90esimo minuto".if you don t get that reference the whole scene

THE ny episode is so horrible it's cringy