claudia mastro

everytime a person post on instagram pics of him on the beach while people are dying in the rest of the world is offensive. all the time once skips schools while the parents go work for them is offensive. all the time you lost time in something-answering this kind of board?- instead of truy making something for the

nope, a manic pixie etc etc is an eccentric cute girl who is there to lift up the moral of very annoying co stars. main examples: kate winslet in spotless mind, Kirtsen dunst in elizabethtown and Natlie Portman in garden state.

She is not manic pixie dream girl at all in roadies.she keeps it to herself ,dress tomboyish,rarely gives confidence.her only attraction is that she is mega gorgeous.natalie is the mpdg of roadies

That s a bit off topic but thinking about Keanu reeves I m always amazed on how greatly he never played the superstar card.i mean it s great how brad Pitt and johnny depp seems themself as "not into the Hollywood scene" when they do are,the hollywood scene. on the other hand keanu Reeves who is equally famous yet

What does it mean "midwestern jews?" Why would she even know those casting director were Jewish? Do people ask at work "R u Jewish?" .im Italian but I would never say oh yeah being in Belgium was great cause you know ,they re Christian like me! I wouldn't t even spot the difference! Why are people so obsessed in

in remember a guy from vice that wrote and article about going to his party saying "he looks like what i imagine would be the ghost of courtney cox"and lol, that's pretty gre8 and accurate

whoa saw this yesyerday, and, well, was rock hudson an handsome man ! he really was!

Eric Murphy not erik Murphy

lol you should cover .

So the name is tucker and the surname is max?

What hate has to do with this??? Do you hear yourself? So just cause i sat that he did not grow up feeling and experiencing what a woman does i HATE her??? What???

Hate? Are you serious?

I bet also bruce jenner growing up called girls "grenade" or made a list of hot or not.

Terf??? What does it mean? Anyway i stand by it. Just a woman who is born a woman knows all the tribolations and objectivations double standard that comes with it . A man, luckily, doesn t.

She felt like a woman but she was not a woman . He was a man with all the privileges of a man who spent a huge chuck of his life perfectly happy being a man .

Caitlyn was a vain and aimless man when a man, with no interests, occupations , ot interesting pov, and that didn t change becoming a woman.that s One of the few miracle a vagina can't do.

It s funny. I tought israel was Killing People For the friggin land and one of his fan devotee is nevertheless Nathan rabin, whi writes staunvhlessy For some of their "aren t we cool after all, water-stolen on the side" publication. Still he is in the position to criticize Christian really awful movies. See i can do

You Write pinnochio all the friggin time. IS pinocchio.

i don t know if those 3 movies can be considered flop: they were on a budget and hardly released. that would be like calling all the movie luke perry does flops.
i tought a flop was a movie that noone saw and had no critical succes either while IT WAS supposed to have at least one of those (eg: pixels, all other adam

i saw the real ending at venice film festival 2005, which means maybe the real ending is like a "bonus track" for the people that got to do a real cue and attend a film goes pretty much like that : a girl "one day" finds that if you cut those god ugly shoes noone saw before they were even released and