Claudia Gray

Matthew Vaughn's treatment of the female characters in his X-Men movie was so abysmal that I'm not surprised to learn that this is his idea of empowerment. (Granted, the other X-films haven't done much better by the female characters - but First Class managed to scrape the very low bottom of that barrel.)

"Sherlock" needs to put up or shut up. I assumed from the first episodes that this Sherlock and Watson would actually get together; while I didn't care much for this adaptation, I gave them points for actually having balls. Now it turns it out it's just a stale and annoying joke, mocking the fans for wanting the exact

It's also fair to note that (a) Moffat is the showrunner, (b) Moffat spent two years swearing up and down that he had this ingenious solution to the Reichenbach fall nobody on the internet had ever even thought of, and (c) absolutely no real solution was delivered. Unless Moffat said, "All right, Gatiss, I have a