Claude Ukulele

Snakes on a Wang

what an idiot, everyone knows Spurs spent all their Bale money.

The most surprising thing about that $2000 raiders dinner tab is that it didn't involve Jamarcus Russell.

fresh lemonade and fresh limeade justify their places in the top 10. peaches are an abomination.

This won't be the last time a browns rookie advances will be intercepted.


fuck that treasonous flag.

whenever these shootings happen i think how lucky i am to be white. in 2014 america, thats sad.

of course your name is brad.

MDMA would trigger a positive for amphetamines in it's pure state. All these old white guys on twitter don't know what they're talking about.

taking mdma is just like being a cowboys fan: some fun during the weekend but generally depressed on monday morning.