I, Clattertrap

Calm down there, Satan.

Listen, the very notion that they’re genuinely “doing” anything is flattering to them. If they were serious about some sort of insurrection against government, they could—would—have picked virtually any other building in North America to start it. They don’t want a fight. They want to get interviewed on Fox News.

It’s no surprise really since most are married to republican men. It perfectly explains their anger.

Why don’t they just make the whole plane out of peppermint bark?

Truman “Fat Man and Little Boy” Bar Cart Deluxe Edition

The federal register only grows.

Oh fuck it all. Between bureaucrats with wet dreams of a totalitarian state and clueless politicians, I’m giving up and joining the Dark Side. Hey, NSA, can you just look at the resume in my hard drive and contact me if it interests you?

We can ship them out on planes, great planes, huge planes, I have lots of planes and I know what to get. The plane guys, they respect me. I can work with them. Right now, we don’t have that.

“We’ll do the holding pens in a nice gold plating, it will look great. I know a guy, he can do it fast and for no money. Very little money for the gold.”

For what it’s worth, the fermented pork sausage common in northern Thailand (sai krok issan) is the best sausage I’ve ever eaten. Really just amazingly good.

Interestingly, since 2012 the Kochs invested millions in resources that would have allowed them to access a national audience. Web tools, information farming, brilliant technical minds. And it’s not working.

Wow propaganda seriously , Its obvious you never watched or you would not make such a bullocks statement.

Would you prefer it masquerade as news like on some other channels?

He’ll be around ;)

Ahahahah this is so gross.

Please please please do more Hysterical Man reviews!!

Google proves you are correct. Which means I am free to name the male lead in my great American opus Walter Berglubdm.

I’m suddenly an Orioles fan.

Holy shit.