I, Clattertrap

sorry about your limited knowledge about human psychology but being unable to react is common behaviour for humans in a situation of traumatic experience.

Memphian speaking.

ICE not snow. Read sometimes.

here is a list of the people that want to hear northerners talk about their experience in cold weather:

Keep in mind it was 60 degrees the day before and will be 60 again this weekend. That much of a shift makes it hard to acclimate. And he didn't say they fell down dead just that in general when your "cold" days are 40 degrees it's hard to adjust and be in any way comfortable with single digit wind chills.

One point I forgot to mention that a Facebook friend just made; it's actually incredibly hilly here in Birmingham. Which adds to the difficulties (and which is another thing you would not necessarily expect if you've never been here).

Walk along what? A freeway? There aren't nice little bike paths and coffee shops every where in the south. You MUST have a vehicle to commute.

Sure people were driving poorly, because they NEVER drive in it. That doesn't make them stupid, though. And another thing, once the snow is on the ground it isn't really important if it is 2 or 4 or 6 inches, it is slick as hell.

Appreciate the valid points. The snickering of the northerners is understandable, however I wish people would understand that our infrastructure simply is not setup to handle this sort of weather, and contingencies are almost non existent because cities simply cannot afford to budget year after year to handle said

Thank you. One of the best and most compelling Giz articles I've read. I'm in Atlanta and my pregnant wife was in traffic for about 7 hours. I was lucky and got out earlier than her (since she was with school systems that were stupid and held students and teachers WAY too late!) But I still had a 3 hour commute of

why is everyone angry?



Oops, this is a double comment, but my earlier one seems to have gotten buried.

No, it's not dumb. The way that money is distributed in this country is a serious fucking issue, and that includes the way that corporations use their wealth in ways that are detrimental. This is detrimental. And stupid. And totally unnecessary. So, yeah, it COULD have created 90,000 meals, but instead Gawker Media

Also: you forgot to mention:

Bathroom pic: Towel Lengthened

Most food banks are able to turn $1 into 9 meals for people who are currently going hungry. Hope you got your 90,000 meals worth with this stupid clickbait.


I think the fact that she started out by ordering native craftspeople to produce what she wanted and selling them at a profit was.... maybe an early indicator that she wasn't going to be the worlds greatest employer. :/

I'm sorry, what? He didn't get caught doing coke with an intern in a White House bathroom. What Bush did was not a "mistake". It was criminally epic incompetence supported by some of the most cartoonishly evil humans in the person of Rumsfeld and Cheney. You don't get to just say "My bad, guys!" and "move on" from

I will fight you for this, Penabler.