
I’m still more-than-half expecting that revelation. We’ve had too many ‘close calls’ of determining whether she’s really human - and she speaks Lakota fluently!

They were going to lose either way. Also, Tristan Thompson is shitty at basketball.

K glad I’m not the only one who rolled my eyes at that


Announces birth most people weren’t even thinking about...asks for people to “respect their privacy.” Sigh...

You don’t need to drive to deliver food in Brooklyn. In fact, it would be a terrible idea to drive food in Brooklyn, since it would probably arrive 3 hours late.

Since he had delivered to that base many times before, it looks like he was specifically targeted.

I did the Ft. Hood gate guard training in 2013 when I was active and everyone without a DoD ID or other federal issued ID card/drivers license with appropriate decal had to go to the visitors center for their pass which included a background check. I don’t know how exactly how it was handled but there’s very limited

Yes, never forget that MPs must live in dire fear of ‘legal consequences’. What a burden.

Some culpability should be put on his employer, who never should have hired someone who cannot legally drive in the state of New York. There are no non-citizen drivers licenses available in NY, unlike 12 states that do allow it. The pizza place, Nonna Delia’s, was setting him up for fines, arrest, or deportation every

That is absolutely, positively, going to happen. And it’s going to give the base commander huge headaches. “My son’s tutor can’t get on the base! Where’s my pizza? My lawn is growing, where’s my gardener?” Oh, I have lived on a base and I know the blowback from people ON the base will be huge, because nobody who’s not

It would be amazing if local businesses “got lost” delivering food to Fort Hamilton for a while.

Good luck with your new pizza-free lifestyle, Fort Hamilton.

Thank you! It’s actually from Sex & the City, quite fitting with the retrospective week Jez is doing :) I love yours too, such a classic!

Hope you feel better, shoegal!!! I love your user name :)

Please don’t think that! People survive depression more often than not. I hope you have good support. Keep on keeping on <3

and she leaves behind a young daughter...

I saw on CNN she hung herself with a scarf, and there was a note.