
Sorry if this is a stupid question; but what’s stopping other countries from putting tariffs on her company in retaliation?

Well I, for one, am shocked.

click the photo credit link, boo

to see if she’s dressed like the blue boobah?

That is an amazing shot. I would love to see it zoomed out a little.

I wonder how true that is anymore. I know more people who don’t have cable than people who don’t have netflix. I know my sample size isn’t huge, but I wonder.

Fucking football.

I respect Diana Ross. I think she’s fabulous... And it was really my little tribute to her.

Who is Luanne?? Why is she famous?? Does she have any talents except being stupid??

This is so true (for most things that are available in bulk...toilet paper, paper towels, etc). People tend to forget that a lot of people don’t have the means to carry a 100 pack of diapers home or even get to a place that sells these in bulk due to lack of transport.

This is yet another place where the inability to make larger purchases at once extra screws over those close (or under) the poverty line. All diapers are expensive. But the cost per diaper varies widely based on the size pack you’re able to buy.

I see why you would name Bell and Shepherd, but I also agree with Wonder Woman. They talk about going to counselling together. They don’t make it seem like roses all the time. Though sometimes they will be extra lovey dovey and share crazy romantic moments.

I dunno, I kind of think we’d be better off as a society if we didn’t use length of time as the main metric for judging the success of a relationship.

Nine years is a successful marriage these days? Geez, my grandparents were together for nearly 60 years when my grandfather died and my parents are going on 35 this year.

John legend and Chrissy Teigen are another one for me. To me he seems low key (could be totally wrong on this) and she is all about putting everything out there - kind of the same way women who use this as a tactic to keep other women away do. They’re cute, but I think everything they are ever in the news for is her

Judge the hell out of me but these two always overcompensated about how well they were doing and how in love and sexy they are. Sad for them but not surprised.

Unfortunately, as John Oliver himself has already pointed out...

Everything’s coming up Mnuchin!