
Icing is like 10 years old, can’t they even find an up-to-date dumb drinking game to play? Next you are going to tell me they are taking ‘planking’ photos.

Wall Street is closed, so bankers get off today. AKA “the important job creators.”

I work with two folks like that except surprisingly they’re not white men. One spends half his time “remote” in DC, and when he is here he rolls in at 10 and leaves by 4.

Funny enough, this is how I always picture Trump while in the White House:

On the good side: Every day he is not in Washington is a day he is not fucking 100 things up.

Our middle manager gave us the GA to take the day off today provided we were caught up on all projects and audit requests. She probably did not take the day off and is filling up our inbox as I type this. It’s giving me a little anxiety just thinking about it.

This reminds me of my old boss who used to take Fridays off all the time in the summer (or just come in at 10am and leave by noon). He would literally leave and then go to Michigan for the weekend and play golf. Our company did not have a summer Fridays policy, and he was middle management, so not sure how he felt

Man Steals Neighbor’s Underwear, Leads Police On Brief Chase

Almost every time someone crosses my physical boundaries at a party, I find out they’re on molly.

She was with Denzel???

I thought it was someone like Blake Lively or Gwyneth Paltrow but I can see Sanaa doing this. I can also see her flirting with Jay. Sanaa was rumored to be Denzel’s former mistress.

This story is clearly fake. Nobody who bites Beyoncé in the face is going to live to tell about it.

Religion + Greed = assholes.

And the almighty dollar. 20 fucking grand for your daughter? Rot in hell

Jesus, if he’s Fredo, what does that make does that make Eric? He’s definitely not Tom Hagen. Is he Karthoum, the horse that got his head chopped off?

perfect gif is perfect

“ I’m your older brother Ivanka and I was stepped over! … It ain’t the way I wanted it! I can handle things. I’m smart. Not like everybody says, like dumb. I’m smart and I want respect!

That fucking Gotye song is from SEVEN years ago?!? Jesus, I feel old. That said, people who stan for Aubrey O’Day need to reconsider their choices in life

Didn’t care about the sex you begged to fuck my mind

Didn’t care about the sex you begged to fuck my mind, you can get addicted to a certain kind of madness