FUCK! That makes sense ....Jack was like “if you fucking with this bitch then you besta be paid”
FUCK! That makes sense ....Jack was like “if you fucking with this bitch then you besta be paid”
I feel bad Nick Young did her dirty... but saying “black people don’t support White Rappers” is a sure fire way to hault a career, in a genre of music , that was originated by Africans- Americans..... ( one of the best selling albums of all times came from a White Rapper)..... I think she should have invested more in…
Great !..... I was plan on taking my new boo to see this one .... still will but it was part of a bucket list fantasy of his to “ go down on him in a theatre”
I liked John Oliver’s piece on MLM “ this is NOT a pyramid scheme”. I’ve had to ghost many homies bc of this shit!
I’m totally for this as well.... I’m a single working mom so I wake up at 5 o’ Clock every morning to make dinner for me and my son so as soon as I get home ..... it’s just to heat and eat.
This is why I buy those Glade containers to give to people. I’ll be damned if I let you leave my house , with that William Sonoma pie plate, which was a present from my first wedding ( I fought like hell for that in the divorce )
He’s actually a decent actor too. They’ve been married for 2 yrs I think.
There was NEVER a better journalistic piece than “ 500 Days.........”
I keep meaning to watch..... but Fall 2017 has brought a shit ton of good network shows
You think she understands the sheer legendary awesomeness of her Dad? Fuck if KURT COBAIN was my Dad.... I would bring it up in conversation all the time
Dude.... WHAT THE FUCK?!?!? You may need to move oversees or take out a pretend obituary on yourself. Looks like this motherfucker around to stay
That dance number with her and Hoda, is the most entertaining thing I’ve seen all year since Drogon fire fucked the Lannisters army
I find a lot more men are anxious about approaching women lately. There was this dude, who have the same “ caffeine runs” as me. We see each other at Starbucks all the time..... this went on for 6 months .... I would smile , offer lingering glares but he still didn’t approached me .... he’s tall, handsome and could…
I actually REALLY love that new show he’s in “ Kevin Probably Saves the World”... wasn’t expecting much but there’s some good writing for that show
I’ll give Brit Brit this ..... she has some major staying power... STILL the original Princess of Pop for me!
Ur a beacon of light in a dark , dark world
Nah no tips - I knows nothing about that. But rest assured - times are changing- “go along to get along” will soon be a thing of the past.... as more and more men get called out on their shit..... and not just being called out but face consequences because of their actions ..... financial loss and possible criminal…
I love these stories! Still creeped out from the ones last year. These would definitely make Edgar Allen Poe proud
Her dresses are stunning tho! ( although I’m not sure if she’s the face or talent of Marchesa). But yeah I’m a sucker for heavily sequined tulle evening gowns 😊
I’m VERY careful to stay within professional lines with them ...... which means we correspond through emails..... rarely through texts and I often reject their FB/ instagram requests to send a clear message ... “ we are co- workers .... NOT friends”. If I’m friends with a married guy ..... I make a point to be friends…