
I’m sure you’ll get a raise ..... just approach your boss , with the same sass , you did with me. Outline your progress, what value you bring to the company and how worse they’d do if they were to hire some- one else ( chances are they won’t want to invest in “ new blood” so they’ll give you what you want).

The thing is in my civilian job .... it’s NEVER a problem bc Nursing is generally women dominated. Just in the military- it’s a boys club with high flow testosterone. I’m there for career advancement and military benefits not to serve as their “ eye candy”. Military men seem to respect marriage tho so they back off.

It’s my thing ! What’s with the rapid responses ?..... No real profession ( like one with a pension plan )?..... No man who wants to FUQ you ? Good thing you started this dialogue ( with an anonymous user) or you’d be toothless from Meth by now....You’re welcome girl!

I’m super adorable!!!!! -You’re probably some 300 lb basic bitch. In which case , YOUR sentiments would be garbage bc why would the opinion,of someone who can’t even control their eating habits, even matter......

I’m an Army Reserve Nurse, and even tho I’m divorced and listed as such on my records-I had to ask my Major if it’s cool that I wear a ring and just make up a husband in conversation......ALL so I could avoid unwanted sexual advances, from my fellow soldiers.

The fact that you care so much about my utter disdain for some washed- up, Peter Griffin Looking ho ,me you live in some cousin- fucking state, where it’s a) totally acceptable to wear maternity clothes, from Old Navy, (even though you’re not expecting)and b) totally cool to fuck married dudes, bc there are limited

Make me bitch!

That was King Solomon proposal....I wonder who’s gonna say “ Do it!”

Oh I’m here for dis!!!!!...... baby mama drama, was the only ingredient missing, in this total shit sandwich, of an administration

You’re right .... morbidly obese is more PC

I follow him online and they STILL drag him for that .... check his post divorce record sales but NOW!!!!! .... home- boy career will soar past Garth fo sho

I may be a “ terrible” person but you are Fat..... and probably FUQ your brother in law bc u’re FAT and have limited options

Also Willie Nelson and his long term commitment to weed

Name ONE man, who got anything ,but praise and pity bc they cheated.... how’s Monica political career ( when she WH interned ) going ? Women fuck married guys bc they have low self esteems, need a come - up or pathetic bc they know damn well society will never put the blame on men so why keep doing it.

Which would kind explain her Karma with that whole “ Tim and Tay-Tay” rumor ...... Faith got thinner and blonder quick.

To each his own -I know nothing about her music career but good the fat thing works for her bc who wants to watch a skinny person cook. She looks disgusting - Garth has to say she’s beautiful bc he blew up his life for that balloon animal. Not everyone could find a Faith Hill.

And I see you 1 ) dabble in infidelity and/ or 2) weight control issues. Have a nice day and remember when you FUQ some-one’s husband -bad karma will follow !

Trisha has a double chin, no existing career and knew he was married - she’s an easier target and a more “ tangible example” of Karma. Garth broke all kinds of records ..... Trisha will be the mobidly obese home wrecking whore

I love them bc they are the ONLY country power couple , that didn’t arise out of infidelity ( I was gonna completely savage Trisha Yearwood but it’s been a rough month for humanity so far).

Even when she schools people with the low- key “ why are you with this idiot?” She does it oh so gently