
She didn’t marry him but they did have a child together then broke up. Then she went the “ Renee Zellweger” route and had unfortunate facial plastic sx. I mean you don’t see Meryl Streep doing this ... and she keeps racking up Oscars! But yeah .... Uma should have went farther with her career .... she’s very dedicated

My favorite “ feminist” movie of all time is Kill Bill ( Vol 1.... 2 also I guess for closure ) but I felt it was wayyyyy under-rated and didn’t get the full credit it deserved, for propelling female - centered characters, to what they are today.

I met her during a “ K- Love” promotion thing.... she’s the nicest person .... her radio persona and real life are identical

I think that’s most people except me .... I get paid well and LOVE my job ( I’m an advanced practice nurse ). I was actually getting a little bored but I didn’t want to change jobs so I recently joined the Army Reserves Nurse Corp ..... talk about a thrill and jolt in my career!!!!! I mean it’s only one weekend a

I was bout the say ..... the FUQ? He went on a date with Megyn Kelly?

I get that ... most IT guys are introverted but remember you have to leave the “ tech basements” sometimes .... probably to get coffee or lunch or commute and this is your opportunity to “ show pony” yourself to the world ! ( whether it be to bag bitches or just let people know you’re a semi- functioning human being

As a woman, who thinks a suit on a man , equates to 30% of his attractiveness...... here’s a secret I’ll let you in on ..... they don’t have to be expensive to look good but they do have to be well tailored tho. For example - a $30 Zara dinner jacket looks wayyyy better, if it fits well, than a $700 Brooks Brothers

You my friend are 💯- I was actually listen to it , on my run last night and meant to retract my initial false statements.... good looking out!

Plus he “ ROCKS” those Canali suits!

Yeah I could see that .... he’s always humble and always has nice things to say to others .... take notes Tyrese!

John Cena’s been getting better since his Hollywood.... but I just watch to see DJ well tailored body ... I always think ( if given the opportunity)... how would I even begin to Fuck this guy... I’m 5"3 , 120 lbs so it’d be interesting fo sho

The Rock is just smart .... he’s the highest paid actor right now ... he knows his way around Hollywood and it sure as hell, ain’t based on his skills.... have you seen the terrible acting on “ Ballers”? The only reason I watch that show is for Lil Wayne intro song

I wouldn’t be so sure FOX would take her back .... Megyn could easily be replicated

That was a poor choice of word , on my part- West Palm Beach is nicer than anything in NYC but Lu was trying to use it in a context , that she had a “One - up” on the other housewives. No shade to West Palm Beach folks

You noticed,she did that, too right??? ? I mean it made sense .....Lu didn’t want people thinking she was giving up her Countess title .... to reign over some shitty spot in FLORIDA. It’ll be like me saying .... “I’m giving up the Hamptons for Jones Beach, LI”

I was thinking Tampa but whatevs!

She did the collagen filler thing to her face ......when will women get it ??..YOU DONT LOOK BETTER!

That question by Megyn.... was beyond rude and cringe- worthy. She should know better

She was writing for artists long before her solo debut. Her voice is just very unique and she’s from Brooklyn!

Is “ Search Party” coming back ?