Classic Poe

Goddamn it, AV Club.

After the Wedding and Open Hearts. I love it when he and Susanne Bier work together.

Richard Armitage, though.

He and his voice annoy the ever living shit out of me. The movie could have had just Burn Gorman to figure shit out and give more time to everyone else.

I haven't read any of the books, but I wasn't familiar with Robert Taylor before this and he is really good. It would be so easy for him to play Walt as some rough and gruff tough guy, which would make me drop the show in an instant. But no, Walt is a pretty awkward introvert guy and vulnerable too. It's especially

Brian Blessed.

Why shouldn't the government confiscate their passports? They're not in jail, they were at their cozy rooms waiting to give testimony because they did commit a crime by filing a false police report. They wasted police time. Foreigners come to developing countries and think it's a free for all wasteland where they can

The only people who believed their story are foreigners. Everyone in Brazil knew they were full of shit when the robbers left them with their phones and watches.

I remember his cop show set in Detroit and that was pretty good. He was great in it, but the whole cast was.

12 year old me had such a crush on that Benicio. Alicia Silverstone's onscreen partners were all hotties: Benicio, Paul Rudd, Liv Tyler…

I'm so late for this, but Celine telling Jesse about seeing Nina Simone play while "Just In Time" plays in the background. Baby, you're gonna miss that plane.

Don't forget the best murder scene ever set to Tainted Love from last season.

I know I'm insane, but just mentioning that the book has a twist ruins the twist for me. Now I know to expect one!

He still knocked up a 16 year old when he was in his 30s.

Fuck Penny Dreadful. I could write a novel on how that ending was garbage.

This looks super boring. Wonder Woman, otoh, actually got me a little hyped.

Marianne running away to become a cagefighter while Colonel Brandon falls in love with her punches would be awesome.

Starfleet 91210. I would totally watch it.

A friend just sent me a link (we're not in America) saying Netflix made a deal with CBS and will stream Trek a day after that CBS thing to the rest of the world so I think it's safe for a while.

So like, will Kate Bush ever release a DVD of her last concert for those of us who aren't rich as balls and couldn't afford to fly to London?