Classic Poe

I hope Prady wins just because of how much I'm enjoying him. There's this electricity in his scenes with Alicia. Not in a sexual way, just two people who play really well off each other. Kinda like Will and Martha Plimpton's Patti back in the day.

He also looked old this episode. Cary always has great, glowing skin that makes him look a decade younger than he is, but from the moment the episode started with him alone in the courtroom I was like wow, he's looking his age. I have no idea what the makeup people did, but it worked. You could see the exhaustion.

Peter pardoning Cary would be a suicidal move for his career.

This show surprises me so much that I was surprised Cary took the deal and will be surprised if he actually ends up in jail for those two years or if he gets out of jail. I just don't know with this show. Like, for a second I thought we'd get a BSG style Two Years Later time jump.

Apparently Mike Colter is being considered for Luke Cage. He's awesome in The Good Wife so I'm all for it.

She was also the worst part of Dracula, a show that was pretty terrible overall. So yeah, don't pick her.

Krysten Ritter is such a weird choice that I'm into it.

Seriously. I'm a straight girl and I still want to motorboat her.

No one will ever adapt Villette and that makes me sad. And The Tenant of Wildfell Hall could use a new adaptation.

One thing that I think the show has never addressed is that they live in separate houses. It's easily explained with a "we didn't want to uproot the kids again" or whatever, but if the fakeness of their marriage is an issue I think it would come up. You know, a doorman saying Peter is never around, that Alicia never

I agree. Being married to Peter helped her career immensely, but at some point that stops being as helpful as it used to be. She's not a newbie lawyer anymore, she's a fantastic lawyer who has her own successful law firm and she might become State's Attorney. Like, isn't that enough? Because so far I don't see her

I thought I would feel the same way, but I gave it a shot because Mads Mikkelsen is one of my favorite actors and let me tell you, the movie is like barely a memory in my mind these days. The show is crazy good so it's worth watching just for that alone, but Mads is just something else. I've never seen a more

Yeah. Plus, no matter what Alicia tells herself, it still stings a little to see your husband with another woman, even if you told him he could. It's what I liked about the whole thing. Peter isn't being a complete jackass, their marriage is over in everything but name, but he's banging someone Alicia has known for

I think it's heading towards her being the one to nail Bishop and then skipping town. No one will die, except maybe Bishop.

Also, where can I find that dress Alicia wore? I'll look more like Prady's mom than Alicia while wearing it so nevermind.

Alicia and Finn are going to bone before the winter break. Possibly on that couch in his office. But I'm actually glad they didn't kiss in that scene because it would have been more about Alicia reacting to what she learned about Peter. When she finally makes a move on Finn - I think after today the ball's in her

The creepiness made him even more attractive, imo.

Didn't think of that. What the hell. Maybe the actor was busy or something and it screwed with their plans.

I see people saying this all the time and I still don't see it.

By the way, am I crazy or did that lady who didn't like Alicia looked a lot like Grace? Like, A LOT.