Classic Poe

I'm bummed, but at the same time I kept zoning out during season 2. Hope to see Demian Bichir in something else soon.

They're both really hot in my eyes, but Chris Messina has that he could be your really handsome neighbor thing that makes him really attractive to me.

Stanley Tucci is a gift and I feel like Meryl Streep should put in her contract that she'll only act in movies where he's also around because they are delightful together.

Finally got to watch the finale. I saw everything coming, but I was floored by the Meeks reveal. Loved how pretty much every cat is out of the bag now, even Abby's relationship with the neighbor.

Something to hide sounds right. I can't see Finn being out to get Alicia, but there's something weird going on. And right now I don't even know if it's got something to do with Castro since Finn endorsing Alicia is not good news for him.

I think that's what makes their marriage tragic. The scandal made Alicia grow into a stronger person, which in turn made Peter fall back in love with her. But the more she grows, the less interested she is in him. If she had stayed that meek Alicia from that photo I think she'd forgive him, try to forget and Peter

And we didn't even see that. He just got hauled into a van and everyone was life yep, Zaf is dead now. Man, that show killed everyone.

Her clothes, her posture, even get hair all screamed "miserable wasp housewife" and then in the new photos she's wearing bright red. So great.

Last week I said that Finn knew that Castro had put a tail on Alicia and was trying to avoid her getting in trouble, but couldn't say anything because maybe Castro had something on him. But I think I made myself paranoid because I thought he was weirdly pushy during that "no, I will endorse you" scene at the bar. Like

This episode was BANANAS. And I feel like I waited years for that Peter and Alicia scene.

Manhattan started a little slow, but it got so good. I'm so happy it was renewed. I kept googling for renewal news for the past month because the ratings fell a lot, but at the same time 300k viewers seemed like a pretty respectful number for a cable channel that isn't known for its original programming.

I'm so down for Catherine and Narcisse. Like hell yeah, let's do this. Craig Parker is a huge Megan Follows fanboy so he's probably campaigning it for it already.

I think my issue isn't that Kalinda and Alicia never made up because that feels really realistic to me, but that Alicia has no friends whatsoever. She had Kalinda and maybe Will before their thing, then things went to hell with both and she never got close to anyone again. Not Diane, not Cary, even Robin would have

Yeah, that was my problem with Kalinda. I think she's super cool, but I never really connected with her; she's just this super cool and mysterious lady who wears great boots. Which is why I can't say I'll really miss her.

He did tell Felicity he has great plans for Tech Village so maybe (hopefully) it wasn't that much of an impulsive purchase. But really, there are much better ways to woo Felicity. He seems like a good guy who has great plans for Starling City so sit down, go sorry I kinda screwed your ex boss over and tell her about

I hope he calms down now that she's working for him. Brandon Routh is very charming and Felicity and Ray have nice chemistry so I don't want to hate him.

I want to give her a chance, but at the beginning of season 2 I reached that point where everything she does annoys or bores me and I just can't come back from that. You know when you just irrationally dislike a character/actor? That's me and Laurel.

It made me wonder if we'll see Oliver break down this season. His mom's dead, his ex-girlfriend/close friend is dead, his sister is turning into a supervillain, Felicity might be gone… It should take its toll.

Felicity looked stunning in that olive dress. And Papa Lance is kinda rocking that buzzcut.

It really. Honestly, if the show decided to ditch Will Graham and just follow them around being classy I would still be into it.