Isn't Carlton Cuse in charge of Bates Motel? I like that show. It's better than its premise.
Isn't Carlton Cuse in charge of Bates Motel? I like that show. It's better than its premise.
A friend of mine said Cary in jail was kafkaesque and I thought that was perfect. So terrible, but so hilarious to me. When Finn pulled the you can't be his lawyer card on Alicia I full on cackled. Oh, Cary.
Chris Messina should be in the Magic Mike sequel.
Cousin Matthew got hot.
The whore factor? Jesus Christ.
They should get Lambert Wilson to star in this.
Yep. All the best ships are unplanned.
He is, but he is hot like fire in it. Good God.
It's a weird show and I'm not really sold on the plot or the characters, but the worldbuilding is really cool.
I think she went back to the 18th century so that isn't possible unless she lived until she was 200+.
I'm already doing this show wrong because I thought her husband was really hot in a history professor (that goes down on you in castles) way and I want her to go back to him or for him to find a way to travel to the past too.
Well, hello there, Cousin Matthew.
I was rooting for you. We were all rooting for you. But seriously, I didn't hate it, but it was all so weird and rushed. It's like the writers got a "sorry, guys, but you only have one episode to wrap up the season, not two" at the last minute.
Costume dramas. All the costume dramas. I'm the reason British networks put out either a Bronte, a Dickens or an Austen drama every other year. I eat them up. Even ridiculous Downtown Abbey.
The Sheen ass looked pretty nice. I don't know if he lost a little weight, but he looked pretty good in that undershirt with the hanging suspenders.
But its not—its set in a specific place that they are attempting to portray accurately
I feel sorry for somebody who can only enjoy entertainment that they can personally relate to because the characters look like them.
My favorite little moment was when she's on the phone ordering dinner and she goes "my husband would say…" and you can see him perk up at the word husband.
Me too. It almost makes me wish the show had pulled a Mad Men and just be very loosely based on real life and changed their names. Seeing all the "but the real Masters wasn't like this" every week is getting old.
Don't forget Sex (I'm A) by Berlin playing when the porn stars walked in.