
Roman words

What kind of news do your kids generally gather?

I’d bet a decent chunk of money that the majority of people who pay to see the Rockettes are tourists from red state America.

But at least with the Leftovers, the focus is on dealing with an unexplainable phenomenon. The OA teased us with answers until essentially evaporating.

I don't think it's about taking offense. I think it's about recognizing that a school shooting is a necessarily heavy topic that you can't just throw into an unrelated story at the last minute like that. If you're going to include a school shooting as a narrative device, you need to come correct, as it were.

Counterpoint: Simmons’s tweet is the best tweet.

Right. In episode 6 or 7, Buck's dad closes the door, but I can't recall if there were any apparent issues because of that.

Besides this, I've only seen Another Earth and Sound of My Voice. Another Earth was a mess but Sound of My Voice was pretty good.

I enjoyed the cinematography, and Jason Isaacs is always phenomenal, but much of the show struck me as being very silly - and that's even before we get to the unbelievable and hokey final act.

No, I think such a concept works better with an actor like Pratt, who doesn't immediately read as sinister like Murphy does (or can).

That would be a bummer. By sacrificing himself, he effectively reconciled himself with Arnold and apologized to his creations. If he faked it, then he just murdered a bunch of people.

I still think the first trailer for TFA was one of the best movies of 2014.

I mean as lame as it is that they're just remixing the original trilogy so far, that traumatic flashback in TFA needs to have a payoff or it's legitimately bad (and not just lame) writing.

is a trick to fake out the audience

Hated is a strong word, but a lot of people had problems with TFA. I'm hoping Rogue One is a better movie and it sounds like this reviewer thinks it was.

The two sides are enough of a blank slate that either side of the mainstream American political divide could plausibly project their beliefs onto the rebels and their opponents' onto the Empire. Star Wars adopts vague-but-familiar political imagery (e.g. Empire vs Rebellion) to tell an adventure story, but the story

Seinfeld is unwatchable compared to “the series that have come out since The Sopranos?” I can’t tell if this comment is serious or not.

I bought Forza Horizon 3 based on very strong reviews and friends recommendations, but after about an hour of playing I remembered that I hate driving games not titled Mario Kart. I could probably just get good or whatever, but I don't play video games to deal with oversteer.

The problem with Piketty is that you are either convinced of the thesis or not in the first dozen or so pages and the next few hundred pages are kind of a slog.

You read infinite jest and finnegan's wake in the same year?? No, I refuse to believe, because I need to preserve my excuses for not doing same.