That guy’s leg looks like an arm.
That guy’s leg looks like an arm.
I haven't, but I will (and Hearthstone has definitely represented a non-zero financial investment…)
I stopped playing around the time another card with a meta win condition, Coalition Victory, was released. It wasn't nearly as interesting as Demonic Pact looks.
Honestly, most of Monaghan's arguments are indistinguishable from some le wrong generation 16-year-redditor's. He hates it because they're not "changing the world" like Eminem or Lady Gaga or Arcade Fire? Come on.
Mulholland Drive
Having Eli overthrow every ball really ups the stakes.
I'm sorry, but Indy's bullwhip is roughly 1000x more badass than the Noisy Cricket. Come on.
I actually laughed out loud when I read that "JFK shot first" line.
I don’t see why it’s dumb to not offer a max contract to a guy who has said in no uncertain terms he won’t play the position you’d sign him to play. I also don’t think it’s dumb to cancel a meeting when the conclusion is forgone by both sides. And I say this as somebody who can almost never understand the Knicks’…
The article is half correct. It’s true that English players being bad has inflated Sterling’s value, but only because the media latches on to any and all promising English players and hypes them through the roof, not because the scarcity of decent English players actually drives up talented English players’ value…
Everybody takes the FA cup seriously until they’re eliminated. It was certainly good enough for Chelsea and United in past years. But once Arsenal ends the trophy drought, suddenly it’s a competition for small clubs. OK.
while The Neverending Story and Flight Of The Navigator thrust kids into unfamiliar fantasy worlds from which they had to use their smarts and survival skills to escape.
and having Abby Elliott on set, we were kind of starstruck.
Lena Dunham's cameo and the fake Dolph Lundgren interview were my favorite parts.
Can’t be real. Can. Not. Be. Real.
The suggestion that somebody might pirate a game in order to play test it before purchasing is downright ludicrous.
If I understand this correctly, you’re upset at ESPN because you had a hard time watching the Women’s World Cup Final from Nationals Park?
He’s got upside! 7’3” with upside! That’s like at least 8 feet of potential side!
Oh man, Dustin Johnson.