They should just come out with movies. I think the stories are pretty cool, but I’m bored to death with all the follow missions and two-button-fighting and all.
They should just come out with movies. I think the stories are pretty cool, but I’m bored to death with all the follow missions and two-button-fighting and all.
How tiny of an advantage is it? What are Brady’s statistics with regulation footballs vs deflated footballs? In how many games during this season (hell, his career) has he been playing with illegal footballs? The point is that the league is well within its rights to enforce league rules. After an investigation, they…
But the text messages suggesting the Pats illegally doctored balls start back in October (if not earlier) - it wasn’t just the Colts game. And the “no advantage” argument is unconvincing: clearly they took great pains to deflate balls after they’d been measured by officials. It doesn’t make sense to argue that Brady…
Why do you have to go back and do that? Do we have any evidence that players cheated en route to all but ten super bowls?
“If the league “knew damn well” their 235+ page report would’ve included it”
Eloquently and persuasively argued.
“You need something more concrete” to say something is more probable than not? I don’t know about that. The way it was drafted was probably to protect the league from the type of lawsuits that are being suggested elsewhere in this comment thread. I don’t think the league actually believes it’s only “more probable than…
Right, which is why Brady hasn’t been banned from professional football and the Patriots haven’t had their title stripped. The meager four game ban and trumped up “lack of cooperation” charges that Deadspin gleefully poopoos are the league’s way of saying they know damn well what happened (unless you expect people to…
No, that’s not the trade he made, but the fact is that New England got to the Super Bowl after members of their organization, including the quarterback, conspired to break the rules in pursuit of an unfair and illegal advantage. Maybe they would have gotten their anyway. Maybe Barry Bonds still hits 73 home runs in…
Why would he sue? Are there any owners in the league who wouldn’t trade two draft picks and a million bucks for a Super Bowl? I get that everyone in the Patriots organization needs to act indignant about this in the age old spirit of denying everything until the smokiest of smoking guns is produced, but if Kraft is…
After handing down an unduly harsh punishment for Ballghazi
It looks really, really, really bad.
X-Men: Days of Future Past. Just can’t get into it like everyone else seems to. Although that Quicksilver scene was the truth.
That is a ludicrous amount of candy behind him.
I still have a hard time processing the fact that Scarlett Johansson is a not insignificant part of a major genre franchise.
It was Moat Cailin, which led Sansa to realize they were heading toward Winterfell and the Boltons.
It's the best of the released chapters so far, IMO. Kind of weird how far apart it is from what happened last night, but it's got some great moments.
One of them is definitely Myranda from last season.
After the aborted attempt to rescue Reek in season 4, Asha/Yara says "my brother is dead." Seems like a fairly tidy conclusion to the Iron Islands storyline, ex Theon.
There's a lot we don't know about "the guy training her" and his motivations.