Figures that a green gatorade lover like Albert would think Chicago style pizza is better than New York style, let alone better than any other regional food item, a claim so absurd I can scarcely believe I have read it at all.
Figures that a green gatorade lover like Albert would think Chicago style pizza is better than New York style, let alone better than any other regional food item, a claim so absurd I can scarcely believe I have read it at all.
Republicans and Junior Seau agree: out of control deficits require self-imposed shutdowns.
First time I got Colombia, US, Ghana, France. Second time I got Uruguay, US, Cameroon, Bosnia. Here's hoping!
England? Switzerland? FIFA rankings are about as accurate a gauge of quality as iTunes charts. Everyone on that list is hoping to draw either of those teams.
Welcome to English football!
He's been catastrophically bad this year, obviously, but anyone who says they weren't "sold" on Eli after the last few seasons is only fooling themselves.
Yeah, it's pretty yellow...
Yellow and Orange are quite clearly the elite colors, but ranking Green above Blue, let alone at #3, is baffling and the halo effect of such a bizarre decision threatens to undermine your credibility in most matters.
Guy at GameStop was trying to tell me it was coming out in March. That place...
NFL scouts have voiced concern over Te'o's apparent lack of familiarity with play, action.
A journalistic entity? We're talking about Gene Wojciechowski, not Woodward and Bernstein.
I raised more than a few eyebrows at my office when I dropped an Xbox reference into conversation. Most people under 40 are cool with adults playing video games, but a lot of my coworkers above that age, who didn't really grow up with games, think they're just for kids.
Agreed. Whenever Haytham was talking about the Templars mission I was like "Hmm, actually, that sort of makes sense." Maybe I'm a fascist?
It is incredible that anybody (e.g. Stephen Totilo) would attempt to defend that Charles Lee chase sequence. It was an absolute abomination. In a more just world, there would be executions because of that sequence.
The ME3 ending, maybe, but the game as a whole was generally regarded as being pretty awesome.
The reason America hasn't been invaded since the war of 1812 has less to do with the right to private ownership of firearms and more to do with advantageous geography, but recognizing that would require the sort of critical thinking that gun advocates seem unable to bring to bear.
Honestly, you could just make up the Easterbrook quotes.
What competitive balance?