
Ya, I’ve never ever even thought about caring about spoilers....and I’m a fucking film historian.

I tell anybody I see do this about the risk, usually my kids.

The goal has never actually been the presidency from the start here, so you really have nothing to worry about. He’s running to elevate his national profile towards national office down the road, maybe one day in 2 or 3 presidential elections from now, a real presidency run. His entire goal was just to be present in

This, I so feel you! I grew too much at once as a teen and now have horrible stretch marks on my legs, shoulders, and torso. They look like shark bite scars, or tiger stripes, they’re so big.

What’s the problem?!

No, they mean can. I’m a former sports writer and FTM, so I know the subject well.

Just when you think this world couldn’t get any stranger...

Just when you think this world couldn’t get any stranger...

Found the good film student! ;) 

Judging from his (and the rest of the trolls) overt fear over the mere existence of black people, I’d give the black side strong odds in the race war.

I still have a old fashioned, some would say shitty, early aughts CRT TV (admittedly intentionally for the truer black needed for the amount of classic and noir I watch) I just know intentionally dark mise-en-scene when I see it.

So no theory this could be intentionally dark? Like noir or German Expressionism? (The first image here could be out of Nosferatu.)

Motherfucker!!!! I will fight him. Historians grab your ledgers and spreadsheet PDFs we’ll find this sumbitch ourselves and drag him to the feds in our sensible electric sedans.

Let’s compare ”acts of war”- real private citizen actors removing potentially life inhibiting equipment on sea creatures in international waters vs. militarily invading and annexing Crimea, conducting a shadow war in Ukraine territory via mercenaries to this very day, and “secretly” sending special forces to act on

Well, this isn’t exactly a Citizen Kane-esq audience. Mistakes will be made.

J.D. Salinger and Harper Lee did this whole thing way better.

Wow. Thats awful. I also had ties to that list being in PA. Actually a lot of them I guess. Every single school I ever attended (from pre-school to high school, 4 different Catholic schools in locations across a city) had at some point in its history an accused priest stationed at it.

Have you considered maybe confining them in a cat-only space? (My neighbordoes this.) Like a spare room, walk in closet, or your basement? Make up it cat-friendly (with levels and cat towers etc to keep them occupied- like the shelter in the weekly SNS posts here) and that would confine any destruction. There are even

My only joke is me, a FTM dude had to get a mammogram for breast pain last year. It went as SNL-sketch-like cartoonishly well as you think something like that would, awkwardness wise.

Oh great, this is fun for Catholics & us formers across the country because we get to now go through the new names and see which ones served, and possibly offended, in our nearby parishes in the course of their varied career assignment locations.