
His comics bombast will develop (or I suppose return, in the context of the show) after he leaves annville, which I'm thinking will happen at the end of the first season if not sooner. As of now, I'm enjoying him being more of a quiet badass. The casual hanging of his jacket and rolling up of his sleeves before

Rosario Dawson and Elizabeth Banks would be my ideal Lana and Cheryl/Carol. If not their voice actors.

He didn't direct that. Pretty sure he produced it though.

I know they don't plan on keeping Jesse and the gang in Annville the whole series (probably just the first season, on account of budget things and whatnot) so as much as I'm looking forward to the road trip aspect of this series, I can wait. God knows I waited long enough for the show itself, and in spite of them

The showrunners did say as much. I guess you could not believe them for whatever reason, but that seems kind of unreasonable this early into the show.

Is she a character in the comic? I thought she was an original creation. The actor's named Lucy Griffiths.

Well… Younger is on TV Land.

I don't blame you at all.

Or maybe nonwhite? That really is the default huh?

A little from column A, a little from column B.

Love Jordan, loved the book, loved Short Term 12. I'm in basically.

Well, notice Jared never denied it.

No wonder Jared's so cheerful all the time.

I actually guessed the puzzle, but yeah, I'd never inflict this on anyone.

Exactly, does anyone here actually care all that much about Barry's love life anyway? I mean, I do, but I'm weird.

Yeah, what a strange thing to write.

Yeah, forgot about Sara, my bad. Okay, Iris can be least frustrating woman paired with prominent male character. Romance stories tend to bring out the suck in everyone involved, and CW is already problematic with its depiction of women.

Which is sad, because there's actually a fair amount of story mileage to be had from letting them be a couple, time traveling offspring and whatnot.

I'm hoping she's more herself in season 5.

Sorry, if it helps I actually do really like Felicity for the most part.