
I think these are the old version (the Momentums), they are on sale in Germany for some months now. I recently bought the updated, foldable version and they are indeed excellent for use with smartphones or other devices when driven directly. An external amplifier/DAC will not add much clarity.

I think these are the old version (the Momentums), they are on sale in Germany for some months now. I recently

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You give me chance to post this (new ad from THE sweeper keeper)

Dark denim blue - a metallic blue with a texture in its structure
burgundy red - a dark red

Perhaps the Gob (George Oscar Bluth)

I’d really like to know... I like Win 8.1 and I wanted to switch to 10 after a few weeks of public beta testing but recent articles indicate that Win10 might just be a change of MS’ business model rather than an upgrade or a “downgrade”. You get a free OS but a lot of your data is for MS to analyze. I really feel

Last night I attended a big Walpurgisfeuer (traditional bonfire in Germanic regions on the eve of April 30th). On May 1st there is an annual “soapbox derby” organised by college students and the whole town attends. Winners will be selected by speed and creativity of the boxcar. (Kids are so proud if you applaud and

A macro I did a few years ago

A film-making friend of mine told me "left to right" implies "progress" in our brains, at least in the West. "Right to Left" on the other hand, regress.

If only I were at my university at the time of the contest. The staircase is absolutely stunning. (not my picture)

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Surfing is quite popular in Munich too ;-)

I hope to go out stargazing tonight. The "supermoon" is a good excuse but I really hope to see some Perseids. Unfortunately it will probably be overcast (or rain) + there is this huge lightbulb. I'm always driving out of town to a meadow on a nearby hill. There is less light pollution and I have a great view on my

It was agreed that all the important Bayern stars play at least a little bit. They came back directly from their vacation for this game. Seriously, the score doesn't matter, this is strictly a game for promoting the brand and showing the players.

My cousins recently inherited a castle (the family line died out and my cousins' family took care of the castle as part time jobs - ticketing and so). The problem is that these things are moneypits. Old buildings in Germany are put under Denkmalschutz (protection of historic architecture) and you have very little

A EU citizen went to the highest court in the EU, which in his case was probably the EU General Court (there're several highest courts so I'm not quite sure ;-). A supreme court/constitutional court is able to pass something similar to law through a ruling (and cannot be overruled because they are the highest court).

I don't think you get what this is about – Google's lobbyists made their cases very strongly in American news media/blogs (as far as I can tell) and this may distort the view for people who have not been on the case, or who have read articles in other languages.

It is not a law but a court ruling. A ruling to protect the privacy of the common man; public figures are usually exempted from these "special" privacy rights because their work for the public requires transparency and accountability. For example, in Germany you can not just publish a picture of a normal person on the

GEMA has nothing to do with the German government. It is the Verwertungsgesellschaft (association for utilization of rights) of musicians and composers. Most musicians and composers in Germany are members and music from other countries is licensed via GEMA. If you organize a public event and do not exclusively (!)

There is no German broadcaster that I know of. Comedy Central Germany aired a weekly edition with subtitles for some time but CC has always been very consumer-friendly. You can watch a South Park episode just hours after the airing in America (and before CC Germany's airing a few days later) on the website, for free,

For a few weeks now the Daily Show and Colbert Report are geoblocked here in Germany. I have been watching them regularly since 08 and I have not yet found a simple way around it (and I'm not satisfied with its German knockoff the heute-show, no thank you). Does anyone know why the change of politics on Viacom's

Oh come on, that headline is pure BS! The German government isn't using typewriters to avoid being spied upon but Sensburg proposed it for his commitee since there has already been a double-agent (even better: triple-agent, since he also wanted to sell his information to the Russians). He was ridiculed for his