
I have no kind of argument against any of these shows (though I have no interest in Succession...horrible, entitled billionaires behaving horribly entitled? Quality aside, no thanks). But The Expanse may be the smartest genre show in the known universe not called Watchmen. Deserves a mention. And also, GLOW. Why this

Me too. But I’d trust him more if he weren't also the guy who did whatever the hell that was with Lost. 

So much to unpack. I was a huge Leftovers fan and thought, “this will never wrap-up well.” There was too much to juggle. I was wrong. I hope for the same thing here. And I have tons of faith in this crew.

That should be humanity’s epithet. “Here lay humanity, who were too busy fighting over the last few seats in first-class, and whether the people in coach deserved a hot meal, that they missed the planet rushing up toward them at Mach 2. Better luck next time.

Excellent reviews/recaps! Seems I can’t think of an episode as being over until I come here and get filled in. 

So, even if this show works out to be The Wire meets The Leftovers with all the action of the MCU, you sound like you've made up your mind to hate on it. And reality be damned, even if that means you have to invent your own reasons. Next week will you tell us Lou Gossett Jr couldn’t have tied Don Johnson to that tree

This is true. But it’s true for almost any cultural artifact over 90 yrs old. And remember, Hepburn owned this film. She put the team together. She nurtured every aspect of this to life. So, there’s institutional misogyny, but in a way, it’s Katherine Hepburn-approved misogyny - via the only woman in Hollywood to tell

Easy. Just negotiate for $1 million per episode and hire a chef. 

I think that COULD be the plan. But it seems likely it’s only half the plan. My thought - and maybe I’m missing something - was they pose as deserters to the american. Get custody of Nicole and shuffle back to Gilead. At the very least, no matter Serena’s true intentions, that must be how she sells it to Fred. 

No. What Schurette is saying, in fact what all of us are saying to those of you running around calling the rest of us ‘fetus killers’ (I know you said embryo. ok?), is we’d like to know down what hole your concern for that life - y’know, the one that always has a ‘right to live’ but not too much else - disappears

How I got to my “perspective?” There’s no perspective, only what’s right. I’m not religious, so I don’t have that particular disadvantage. Look, there are very serious, nearly intractable problems in the world causing great human suffering. I’d like to see those fixed. I dont do enough about any of them, to my great


As for the Night King’s motivation, am I the only one who sees a loose metaphor for climate change in him?

“...the point is more that the episode, and the show as a whole, is still far too dependent on wowing us with shiny things than it is about the requirements of basic storytelling structure.”

What Discovery needs in order to be respectable TV:

A “show that has all its shit together except the writing,” is like a person with all their shit together except, y’know, a job or a place to live.

Just dig on my man there off McCoy’s right shoulder.

Anyone else catch that old style Kirk Maneuver Burnham laid on Airiam in the middle of the fight? Straight up fall-on-your-ass-double-jump-kick.

Forrest Gump, sure, if it hadn’t come out in a year with Pulp Fiction. Ordinary People is a great film. So I’ll take some push back there. But Raging Bull - a film it’s hard to like as a casual consumer and I don’t watch over and over like I might some other films from the era - shows a virtuosity and range that

Such language! Prof. Higgins would be displeased.