I was with you until you said the new RAV4 is ugly. Polarizing? yes. Ugly like the CR-V. NOPE! The CR-V is and has been a limp fish design for a while.
I was with you until you said the new RAV4 is ugly. Polarizing? yes. Ugly like the CR-V. NOPE! The CR-V is and has been a limp fish design for a while.
Dude, just please avoid Jeeps. Seriously. I’ve had four including a 2000 XJ I did a full mechanical rebuild on. I finally cracked one night and realized I knew more about the Jeep than I did about my 13 mo old son. Selling it was the best thing I’ve ever done. Nothing but Japanese and German cars in the garage...I’ve…
Observing track limits is a real thing. There is nothing cool about this asshole putting other drivers in danger.
“Cox DNF’d in the race, so we can’t say how well he finished”
This is not good driving. This is dickhead driving. You’re not typically looking for cars in the fucking grass when you’re racing.
You say all that shit, like you want us to think you REALLY do your research, but you are willing to overpay for wheels you can barely stomach instead of buying aftermarket ones? Also, you are buying a dodge durango?
I dislike the use of the quote “they’re all the goddamn same”. Yeah, they are more or less. Conventions are a business. You’re doing your cosplay as a business. If the conventions are were you have to go to flex your business and make money, boo hoo that they’re all the same - you’re doing this as a business.
Midpack competition is not an interesting story. It never has been. Nobody will remember in 30 years how the Renaults were fighting for points.
Saying “Formula One is boring” doesn’t mean I don’t care. There’s just nothing to care *about*. Given its history, F1 is still my favorite motorsport, but holy shit something…
Thats what people did for the cases of Casey Anthony... OJ and Drew Perterson (for 10 yrs!)
I just have to say, Mazda's red is the most beautiful red ever applied to a vehicle.
You are so incredibly dumb and are only seeing this from a view point that fits your narrative. As you do with every article you’ve ever written. That’s probably why you write for Deadspin and not a legitimate publication
Yeah, but they were white teenage boys wearing MAGA hats, so Gawkmodo wants them dead. Because the left is full of violent, irrational nuts just waiting to explode. Just read the comments to these stories.
Wow, doubling-down on your hate after your position is proven to be wrong and all reputable media platforms have retracted the initial story and issued apologies. You truly are a brain-washed, pyschopathic, fanatical ideologue! It just goes to show that most of the authors who write for the Gawker platforms are moral…
More fucking horseshit.
Phillips did not “enter the space between them” - he explicitly said on CBS News that he walked into the high school group to prevent them from harassing the poor innocent black protesters. The fact that those black protesters were using vile, homophobic, racist language is downplayed by you,…
Extactly this. These people are Regressive Leftists DESTROYING the left wing with every bullshit fake article. Every double down. Every continued tantrum. All the commenters who are ignoring massive evidence, and even Phillips retracting his comments. All of the jerks still writing these articles are creating Trump…
“...despite video evidence that he walked into the space separating the students and Black Israelites and stood there before that students formed a semicircle around him. “
While I am proud of her for defending herself, I cannot believe the other crew members and managers just stood there and watched her get attacked 🤨!!!! I worked at McDonald’s as a teenager, and was a manager too, and there is no way my 18 year old ass would have stood for that shit, and calmly spoken to a customer tha…
So legitimate question; why use female pronouns in this story before she went through her transition and at the time was identifying as male? I’m only asking since I’m the case of this story it makes it a bit more difficult to read and understand and required some re-reading. Seems like it would be appropriate here to…