
When you factor in potential maintenance costs and other ownership costs, plus purchase price, I genuinely think you need 3x budget for the Boxster over the Miata in budget. I’m saying that as a guy who bought a $4000 Miata that’s taken...well into the 5 digits in maintenance and upkeep thus far (I didn’t buy a good

Agreed, but we will all stay in the grays because The Root reverse racism community doesn’t want any intelligent contradiction to their willfully ignorant bigotry.

PREACH! The Root should be ashamed of giving a platform for crap like this; it is destructive to the cause of peace and social progress! SHAME ON MICHAEL HARRIOT!

Michael doesn’t like white people period, and is a virulent racist. He just is, sorry...I’m not threatened by him because the world isn’t set up for black supremacists to have any power, but I still hate his ideology. I want racism to END, not reverse direction...

No she was demonstrating vulnerability and openness in a non-violent way in a protest that was FOR black people’s rights and validity. She put herself at risk without even a shred of clothing to protect her from rubber bullets or tear gas canisters. WTF is wrong with this community???

The Root is sadly a very unenlightened place, I have grown to realize...I support the black community, but dear lord it’s terrifying how few people know how to think here and evaluate themselves for massive hypocrisy. The Root talks a lot about equality and understanding until there’s a white person to mock then you

Ahhhh I get it’re a toxic hack! You really made that all incredibly clear with your exacting description of how you don’t care, don’t care about caring, and are dedicated to cranking out ignorant BS.

Can anyone seriously read this and not describe it as arbitrary, uninformed, speculative crap motivated by personal pique?

A women exposed her nude, vulnerable body as part of an act of peaceful protest in support of brothers and sisters of ALL colors, and what does she get on The Root?

*sigh* Michael, there are thousands and thousands of white people on the streets working for your rights. You want to pick on one weirdo and say “all white people owe me an apology for this”, and then act like you’re not at least part of the toxicity in this world? C’mon man, do better...

I’m so annoyed that people in power seem consistenly incapable of asking themselves “I wonder how other people are experiencing what I am doing with my power? Are their experiences positive or negative, and why?” Our country has a serious sociopathy problem, from the white house to the police to mid-level managers in

For years, we have asked “who will police the police?”

I’ve not been super hot on the Arteon (preferring the CC predecessors), but daaaayum that Arteon Wagon looks AMAAAAZING. Once again I dislike the decision makers at VWoA; blah blah blah consumers want crossovers blah blah blah well call me the exception dangit.

Lord, America is going to need a 21st century Nuremberg AND Truth And Reconcilliation to end this nightmare...

Absolute disgusting fascism, blatant and textbook...DHS is saying they plan to roll this out nationwide. I don’t think we can wait for the election or inauguration; 4 to 6 months is too long for RepubliKKKans to cause massive damage to our country, and they are hellbent for leather to do just that! The 25th amendment

The Floyd family deserves a huge reparation no doubt, but so does society..through the Floyd family, I hope the message starts to get through to the police and the greater society clinging to whatever the f*** these ignorant racists are clinging to. I hope the family prevail and aren’t marred by a difficult trial.

Oh lord Sheryl “we stand against hate” Sandberg...we could so easily be calling these Karens Sheryls instead...massive hypocrite, either unwilling or unable to lead (and if unable, unwilling to reflect on that and improve or move aside), have had years and years and years and choruses of expert and public shellackings

That shirt is not political, it is self-evident.

I like the German sense of humor.

The Journey is obviously done to a price point and had its Chrysler-at-its-bankrupt-worse all over it, but I did like how the Journey was trying to be a clever, space-efficient MPV thing instead of another SUV. Then people just bought SUVs because being clever is the same as being a wimp, apparently? (yay