
Jeremy Clarkson is a dinosaur. I’ll keep the best of Top Gear as good memories from a bygone era. Otherwise I want him to just shut up and go away, really. He’s so full of himself and generally worthless...

I wish we drove autometons. We could still shorten them to autos, but I like the idea that we’d shorten them to “automets”. “Hey kids, get in the automet we’re getting ice cream!” “YAY AUTOMET RIDE!”

I vote for my Alltrack (with a TT RS engine swap :D), though I do have more “offroad”/job site needs than most people.

I have a VW Alltrack manual with an APR Stage 1 tune, great little car and love it lots, strikes a great balance between being economical yet practical, capacious yet compact, sporty yet livable, quick yet not reckless, well featured but not garish or overpriced. It would be even better with a badass rally suspension

Yeah, we all forgot it for a reason, why’d you have to bring it up again?? Rude!!

Blatantly narcissistic behavior.

Oh course he’s the hero in his mind, he’s a libertarian! The world rests on his shoulders; he daren’t shrug!!! LOL! Ayn Randians are hilariously dumb (and really shouldn’t hold public office :/ )

Notice how often free market “solutions” are solutions to the same problem: “how can we make more money?”

Harley Davidson’s clientele seems to be exclusively older fat white men and younger racist white men. Not appealing.

Anything different must be killed!

Do conservatives even talk about anything THEY can offer anymore? It seems like it’s been years since they’ve said anything besides slander and defamation of their opponents. Conservatives have already lost the battle of wits and morality, but they still demand the right to win our society and government. Totally

So true. Conservatism is individualism. They complain that liberalism or socialism is anti-individualist, but I strongly disagree; it is individuals couched in a wider context. Conservativism’s small perspectives result in major flaws to how we live our lives. It’s a dead end of an ideology built on irrational

Vegetation helps a lot. The sound profile caused by the walls certainly makes a lot of sense, as the sound richochets between the walls and then “spills” out, being reinforced in an interference pattern at certain distances.


Ah old people telling everyone else to go f*** themselves. Who needs a planet or whatever? *sigh*

I’m so much a 6 cylinder guy for sound, non-Vs typically (flat or inline). Or a 5/10 cylinder! And of course V12s cannot be denied.

I am practically jumping up and down in excitement after this video. YES. MANKIND. YES!!! WE DID IT!!!

Basically, electric race cars will need to be quite overbuilt/detuned for their outright capacity. This 778 HP car at its peak should be turned down until it runs reliably. 300? 350? 400? That number will go up as technology and electric racing operations continue to evolve.

I’m dying for a cost cap and a staffing cap on every team. Make rules where the cap changes if teams also supply others. Engine manufacturers get similar treatment. You couldn’t open up the rules completely, but you could definitely open them up some with costs becoming a limiting factor. And remove all the heritage

Their labor policies do seem to be really poor, it’s definitely my biggest beef with them.