Clark Kempt

It’s not as useful as the card Tom Wilson has for strangers.


I will entertain arguments in favour of any Janes game, and maybe Chuck Yeager.

Some thoughts about everything going on lately...


Maybe Thawn’s corner of the galaxy and/or wherever Snoke comes from.

I’d rather have another go at the Stand as a TV series quite frankly.

I don’t see why BB8 couldn’t find love, the thing I always found most disturbing in the Star Wars universe was the casual treatment of Droids and their sentience. Astromechs seemed to escape the excessive wiping that Protocol Droids faced but they still had it pretty rough. They clearly expressed what could be

So... this pretty much confirms that robots in the Star Wars universe are sentient and so everyone, even the good guys, have been profiting off the backs of slave labor this entire time.

Meanwhile, Mike Stoklasa is just chillin over at Red Letter Media, waiting for the phone call, cause he would KILL it

If he’s not Plagueis that will be another thread from the prequels that went nowhere.

There was a lot of dumb stuff in the old EU, but one idea I did like was that there was no “light” or “dark” sides to the Force, it just *was.* Using it selfishly and for evil purposes was of course bad, but so was cutting yourself off from emotions like love, like the Jedi Order of the prequels. You needed a

Can Andy Serkis please get a lifetime achievement Oscar for his use of “RAW” in both The Two Towers and now TLJ?!

Holy shit. Grimace really is an anthropomorphized butt plug.

Now playing

Oh yeah, that’s the clip used at the end of Tool’s Faaip de Oiad.

When the Metroid on the NES came out, Aliens had come out the year before. Playing Metroid helped to convey the isolation of the protagonist in exploring the planet in a similar manner to that movie.

heh Shit. I just watched a new Nerd Crew video on my lunch break. Great timing.


Me personally, I think BB-H8 is just a real cool name. Very cool.