David C.

I hope this article is satirical, cause it’s blistering hot garbage.

I’ve gotten a lot of emails/tweets/texts about other organizations to add to this list—too many to properly respond to—so I’ll add a few more here. But before that:

120,000 people have watched a movie that isn’t released anywhere in the world (except for a few special events) until tomorrow? Seems legit.

Seinfeld2000 is a mockery of how played out ModernSeinfeld became in a matter of weeks. A real big "fuck you" to the idiot at Buzzfeed who contributed to it, the contributor who ran a mediocre Twitter so well that he landed a job writing television, even though the simple process for generating a tweet for the "better

Hold your applause until AFTER the nun monologue.

I did not give permission for this.