
Are you guys still doing reviews for this show? Really want to hear thoughts on this week's episode!

For Tommen, isn't the end game here Cleganebowl and the extreme likelihood that Tommen will die before Cersei inevitably does? So this is really leading up to Tommen's death as well (probably).

Or to get close to their recruit?

If Shaggydog is really dead, there are only two left. This cannot stand!!!!

How did Jaqen H'ghar ever get captured in the first place, now I wonder (and only now)? How could anyone ever capture one of the Faceless Men? Why was he in King's Landing at that particular time in the first place? What is the price to hire the Faceless Men, if they're both prohibitively expensive and potentially

As a kid, I loved this movie and would watch it all the time, but ALWAYS fast forward through the scenes with the Red Bull, which freaked the hell out of me. Kind of surprised there's no mention of the soundtrack in this article though!

I have never watched nor read nor heard anything that caused me to root for saving Hitler rather than killing him. I don't know what it says about the show, but whatever the message is and however they pulled it off, it's damn impressive storytelling.

The sets looked good enough that it was pretty freaky to come out of class at UBC and see the campus all covered with Nazi symbols!

They invested a lot in the pseduo-science around racial purity (contrasting healthy vs. sick), so it doesn't actually matter how you look if there's evidence of genetic ties to "races" that are "inferior" or "destructive". There's a lot of interesting evidence in this, and it's even more interesting to compare it to