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    Randolph Tooth Tiger! The Man is silent.

    I watch online. Hate to admit this but I need to start using the subtitles. I miss some of the subtleties in the dialogue. After reading the recap and comments it's almost like I saw a different show.

    Obi-Wan KeNewhart!

    I can only see this on Hulu so I am weeks behind but am I the only one who just doesn't like the Scottie character (or her hair)? And I'm not feeling any chemistry between her and Harvey.

    I agree with everything you said here, forg. I also enjoyed the coverage, Todd.

    Not necessarily. The owner of the Greek deli down the street from me survived a gunshot in the face - came back to work in just a few weeks. Serpico, too - it was a movie and also real life.

    Wait, did I miss something? Did they show that Chilton is actually dead and not just shot in the face?

    I liked it. i would keep watching if I had HBO but I'll catch up with it at some point.

    "His own face transforms in the altar where his admirer is torturing the true fiend—Hannibal…For a series that is masterfully visual, that scene fade was one of the series’ more stellar moments." — I truly don't mind that the story is progressing so slowly. I love how visually beautiful the series is and how perfect

    The special power is that the new immunity idol can be played even after the vote, right?

    Lets go with soups, way funnier.

    Haha! Soups? That is great.

    That break-up scene felt completely believable to me. Maybe I've just had more claustrophobic-stuck-in-a-room-together hangovers than most of the commenters on here.

    Have been so busy with other shows that when this showed up in my Hulu queue I wasn't sure if I had seen it or not. So… still confused. haven't watched it yet but it's new, right? I feel kind of dumb.

    I always read and enjoy the reviews. Don't stop!

    The most thought-provoking episode so far…medical devices, wiping memories from androids. I love this show. The bickering is first-rate and the leads are gorgeous, (which is a bonus but not necessary to the coolness of this show).

    This is definitely one of the most interesting shows on network TV. Can't believe I missed the entire last season but am enjoying catching up. If I were a completely new viewer, though, I would be very perplexed by it all. Glad there are these terrific (and witty) recaps and a wiki for reference.

    This is definitely one of the most interesting shows on network TV. Can't believe I missed the entire last season but am enjoying catching up. If I were a completely new viewer, though, I would be very perplexed by it all. Glad there are these terrific (and witty) recaps and a wiki for reference.

    This is definitely one of the most interesting shows on network TV. Can't believe I missed the entire last season but am enjoying catching up. If I were a completely new viewer, though, I would be very perplexed by it all. Glad there are these terrific (and witty) recaps and a wiki for reference.