Clarence Ewing

Going back to a Must See TV format makes me wonder why they abandoned it in the first place.

I don't think I'll ever be able to watch this project without thinking of A Different World. I just hope Shahidi's career arc doesn't end up mirroring Lisa Bonet's.

That was my reaction, too - it was fine. I'm assuming they won't have the Black-ish writers and producers for it? Could be tricky to keep up that level of comedy.

No, this is evil. If this bill becomes law, millions of Americans will die. I'm not exaggerating for effect or being cute here. If what these jackasses did isn't evil, then evil has no real meaning.

At least now all the cards are officially on the table. From now on, there's no escaping the fact that anyone who votes for a Republican is supporting evil. It's that simple.


“I have jokes, he has the launch codes.”

I'd say at this point even Keith Olbermann's GQ Web series The Resistance does a better job at indignation, and in less than a third of the time.

Help me out here - which high-profile sitcom did Hope Solo guest on?

What a weird, wonderful time to watch TV. R.I.P. Mr. Barris, and thanks.

I like Rachel Maddow, but the way she delivers her news stories drives me crazy. The pauses and hesitation and unnecessary build-ups are silly.

I've seen pictures of recent rallies. "Swarms" is giving them just a little too much credit…

Metal is so widespread and diverse now that proclaiming "Metal needs to crack down on racism" makes about as much sense as "Rock needs to crack down on sexism." Anybody who wants to can pick up a guitar and amp. There's no Central Bureau to clear bands for their political and moral sensibilities.

Sure doesn't feel like it's only been two months, does it?

And here for all these years I was thinking McClain realized how unlikely it was for a scared little office worker to be running around a hostage situation on his own, and said scared office worker wouldn't have been any good with a gun anyway, so why take the chance of putting bullets in it?

That's so strange - this is the band who had a worldwide hit with "People are People," a clearly anti-hate message.

An opinion just as irrelevant as when it was used with Jon Stewart.

Maybe the world is getting tired of old White men on the left and right lecturing everyone else on who to hate and how to think.

"If Mr. Yiannopoulos is indeed the monster Scahill claims–and he might be–nothing could serve the liberal cause better than having him exposed on Friday night."

It's driving me crazy that, as has been mentioned before on this thread, the DeVante who Dre wants to name his son after has a REAL name: Donald Earle DeGrate, Jr. Dre wants to give his son the stage name of a member of a minor '90s R&B group his son will not care about when he is old enough to know.