Clarence Ewing

“Hey guys, do you ever think sometimes Republicans have good ideas?”

Nobody should change their plans because of that jackass in the White House.

I have a strong feeling Kaitlin Olson and Melissa McCarthy would be dynamite in a movie together. Or maybe their respective awesomeness would cancel each other out. Either way, it's something I'd like to see.

From an article in The Atlantic:


I wouldn't go that far. He was never a a superstar, but he was a solid second-team player with the Celtics and Lakers. He played defense and could score a little bit. I assume off the court he scored a lot.

A couple of other highlights from this episode: Pops pointing out to junior that there's a LOT more to Martin Luther King's speeches than "I Have a Dream," and Zoey pointing out to Bo that her generation (the most diverse and left-leaning in history) will be voting soon.

So the Right-wing gives the world another political insult based on a sexual act, to go along with "butt-hurt" and various ways of "bending over," which only helps confirm the idea that Right-wingers are sexually frustrated losers who really want to get laid in ways that their bible won't allow them to.

Watch all of the movies and TV shows that have been sitting on my TiVo box for the last year. By December 31 2017 I want that thing empty!

If there's one episode to represent the entire show, it probably should be "Dennis and Dee Go on Welfare" (S2). Greed, depravity, callousness, and stupidity are put front-and-center and stay there for 22 brilliant minutes.

The visual of grandma slapping the shit out of Sabrina was very funny but also a bit shocking. It felt transgressive in a way Family Guy has been trying and failing for a decade. I'm curious to see where all this goes…

As a lifelong IASIP fan, I must also relegate this episode to the "Not Great" category alongside "Frank's Brother" and "The Gang Cracks the Liberty Bell." I'm glad the show is finally back, though.

Big picture, people. Every day there's some POS making money off of anything you watch, see, hear, eat, or experience generally. It's been that way ever since forever.

Stewart's false centrism just doesn't apply here.

We know what you’re thinking—an expanded mute feature is nice, but it still puts the onus on the user to ward off online harassment.

Documentary Now! is Experimental Television at its best. I just wanted to write that out loud.

Licensed to Ill is the Beastie Boys trying to sound like Run D.M.C. If they had been just another bunch of white boys trying to cash in on Black music, it would have ended there and they would be in the same historical conversation as Vanilla Ice.

Good point. The GOP hacks never wanted him to begin with. Could be a lot of intrigue and score-settling in 2017…


Kayleigh McEnany. She's relatively new on the scene. Just secured at least four years on CNN as the Reasonable Voice for the New Gestapo.