
The only true point you made was that there is no point from the opposing view. I'll copy and paste it so you can see what I responded to.

The feminist critique is not at all appropriate. If anything, it ruins the prospect of truly understanding what the artist is trying to say. Do you see why I have a problem with this "feminist" perspective in terms of this guy's work, and calling him a bigot? And why is it bad to call this author a bigot when she's

One of what? An inanimate object? (insert joke here)

You have zero argument is what I get from your statement. You invite nothing to the conversation and walk away acting offended when I bring up something even slightly resembling a point.

Great rebuttal!

I've heard this Lars von Trier = sexist argument since 2009 when I started paying attention to the stupid accusations of sexism that feminists were making on art in general. Anyone remember Compliance?

You're not making points about behavior and attitudes. What examples can you lend? What interpretations of his films can you call "sexist" and really mean it? You have no case, and that's all I'm trying to point out.

Bjork has never had to work a day in her life. Lars von Trier is hard on everyone. If you ask Bill Paxton what he thinks of James Cameron's work ethic, he would say that it gets the job done and makes great films despite the rigor and abuse the actors go through in order to make the product. Same goes with anyone

Well, it shows the lead character doing horrible things to her new fiance, but we understand her due to the director noting her illness. If it was the other way around, gender-wise, we would be talking about a "feminist" film.

Because those articles hold a substantive perspective worthy of consideration. Yeah. Don't at all use the gender card here with your "female av club writer" crap.

They're feminist in the sense that women are people too. They're not feminist in the sense women are special creatures sent from on high, and that any time you show them in a horrible fashion in which they've been treated vis a vis history, you are a misogynist.

No. Von Trier isn't misogynistic, and everyone else thinks they're smart because society tells them that they only need to use an ounce of thought, and the Big Bang Theory is a funny show. That's the alternate theory.

So watch North Country and say that it's misogynistic against women because it shows how women in that particular field suffered at the hands of misogyny. You see the logic there?

Misogynistic misery porn? How are you a film writer? No one cares about your feminist perspective on an artist who has, his whole career, made anti-misogynistic films aimed at showing how much women have suffered at the hands of men, religion, and believe it or not, other women.

I doubt it will be scary because everything will be overtaken by the theme of gender. If it weren't, then it wouldn't be titled based on that particular chromosome. Could you imagine a film named after the male chromosome in which only a "male perspective" was invited?