Lord Clubber

Don’t think there’s enough time to be resurrecting any Cerseis. She’s got to die because winter is here and if she ain’t gonna fight alongside her enemies then she must be killed. She def lied to Jaimie about being pregnant and he will find out and kill her. The “real war” is to the north, so this war for the iron

You can still ID a song from Pixel by using the Google search at the top of the home screen instead of using Assistant, so technically they didn’t remove it from new phones. It’s just in the legacy OK Google interface.

Question... anyone think we’ll see that one eyed wildling dude that warged into an eagle when he died (that then swooped down and tried attacking Jon) become relevant again? I mean why did they show that warging if it wasn’t going to have a meaning?

I mean, Jon’s come back to life and revenged his killers, Arya has become a ninja and got her eyes back, Sansa is rescued by Brianne and headed to reunite with her half bro, House Bolton and Greyjoy have both been overthrown, the North is plotting against Jon and the Wildlings, Rickon is captured by Ramsey, another

That was a birthing mother’s scream

The sword had a sun on the hilt that looked like it was rising (i.e. dawn)... so just because they didn’t talk about it, it seems like that was it.