SO SO THIS. I loved “It”, and was so into it until...fuck. WHAT? WHY? NOOOO. I assume the copious amounts of cocaine and alcohol he was consuming at the time of writing had something to do with it, but FUUUUUCK. No like.
SO SO THIS. I loved “It”, and was so into it until...fuck. WHAT? WHY? NOOOO. I assume the copious amounts of cocaine and alcohol he was consuming at the time of writing had something to do with it, but FUUUUUCK. No like.
so much stinks with this story. We’re hearing about it now, because Nurse Wubbels fought for the bodycam vid to be released. The hospital’s actions, while admirable, should have happened back when this happened, not once the video hit the interwebz.
I dunno. He’d be hard pressed to find another tenant flush enough to occupy 45,000 sf at those prices, with the retail industry in the goddamn toilet. He’d be all bluster and no action, per usual.
how bout the lady eating the sofa cushions? She looks completely lovely and normal...and then....
would she, though? She’s a pretty, blonde white lady. As we all know from “The Nancy Grace Bible”, blonde white ladies never do anything wrong.
Fuck TLC. Seriously. “the views of whatshisface fucktwit Duggar do not reflect...” Fuck you. You employ him and made him famous. He’s your responsibility and you need to fire his ass for being a transphobic cunt.
He even had to refer to his notes before he started in on his “As a Californian, {ROBOT}, I thank you for your {BLEEPBLOOP} service.” schtick. So natural, that Mnuchin.
ergo, racist penises.
that is arguably his best work right there.
Hopefully the eejit will hit the links instead and forget that he needs to appoint someone until the recess is over, thus missing his window for a recess appointment as AG. fingers crossed!!
Now I want a disability cheque wrapped around a pack of no-filters.
OMG I love Uncle Jeff so much.
I’m tempted to lean towards this a 70's kid, I grew up spending more time with Kermit than my actual dad. The reboot Kermit is a bit of a dick, and he does seem bitter and self-centred. I expect it’s probably because he’s going through some sort of midlife crisis, and it’s totally not easy being…
whaaaaaat. I feel like that’s from Doctor Who.
India. India is the world’s second largest english speaking country.
I got you, fam:
Both of them ...yeesh. And Dev is sooooo tall.
This was on Twitter yday - and is so perfect:
FWIW, Brooks Laich is a hockey player. Not football. #canadianproblems