
I'm glad he was able to capture a better picture. All previous pictures of these mysterious creatures were grainy, underexposed and... oh, wait...

Really? That is your contribution? Thank you, King of minutiae, for wasting my time.

Text-based apps like readers don't simply translate directly over. They don't just increase the text size. They usually add more data displayed on the screen.

I know they are designed differently only because of screen size. The above comment mocked the writer for distinguishing between the two, and I was saying why you need the distinction. Are they going to release a device which runs iPad apps slightly smaller (harder to use because of small buttons) or a device which

@Mikestan: I hate to be "that guy" but iPod touch apps and iPad apps are designed differently. A large iPod's apps would have one row of selections, and that would be it. A smaller iPad's apps would utilize iPad apps which usually have two separate panes of data to choose from. One would be easier to use and one a bit

All I want is an XBOX 360 that works. Mine RRoD'd literally a day after the warranty ran out. They want to charge me $140 to fix it.

@brentoniscool: Thank you very much. I was having difficulty with that.

@guitarocks1051: Mine didn't. It showed a little square with a question mark.

Because all vintage photos look super shitty apparently.

An hour? OH NOES!

Do you really run an ethernet cord to your laptop?

It is interesting that we are to a point in which the iPhone is about as small as you can get and still use it comfortably. I was laying down some boomshakalaka in NBA Jam the other night and realized that although a small phone would be better for the pocket, I wouldn't be able to bring it like I do currently.

It is true that Google Voice makes voicemail tolerable... by making it like an email.

No you shouldn't. Here's why: because cell phones record the number from which you called, most people will see the missed call and call back. If your number is an unknown to them, then they likely won't call back because your call was unsolicited or not requested. You should probably contact them in a way which can

I'm glad I'm not the only one. My voicemail recording explicitly asks people to not leave a voicemail message unless it is absolutely necessary.

Mmmm elephant cheeks are delicious(?).

Thanks for spelling out the punchline in the headline.

An analogy should only be taken as far as the author intends. Any analogy breaks down if you follow it to a certain point.

Only comparing spec and price is like comparing a mini-van and a Ferrari.

That's like someone telling you about a new motorcycle and you saying "Or you could buy a used Geo Metro."