That game, I was in my car and driving back home before 9pm...
That game, I was in my car and driving back home before 9pm...
No, he just in the kitchen........getting a haircut.
Rebooting ‘Manimal’ next.
Looks like a Mustang from the early 2000s.
I don’t see any evidence in the article that UK Immigration saying they are attempting to model themselves after ICE. Which immigration agency has been using these tactics for longer, ICE or the UK? Maybe ICE is modeling themselves after the UK Immigration agency? the end of the story..
It’s just FOREplay......
Mookies ranked:
Really aiming high with that one...
Pig Pen.
Is that the Edo prepared one in the video??
Doesn’t look to feasible with the portion on Northerly Island. Especially with the Pits on there. Army Corps of Engineers fucked up the build and the water levels are too high there now. Main reason for closing Meigs Field was to make it a park and nature preserve........building on it for auto racing would get the…
The sole, obvious purpose of this delay being that the Braves could add an extra year of contract control during the arbitration process.
Couldn’t agree with you more. Assuming it could also affect the person running right behind Semenya, Nyonsaba.
Source on your MLB talent stats??
Am I missing something? Has Eric Lauer been accused of sexual harrassment, or are you reaching for some type of Matt Lauer joke??
Looks like Blue guy might have backhanded him while backing up for the ball. Stripes looked kind of miffed with a no call........then went Chuck Norris on him..