
The donut chain they bought had more revenue than Burger King did when they bought it..

Obviously not the favourite, but 2:12 still respectable and well within recent winning times of the Venice Marathon..

Bartolo definitely has the bigger colon..

That ‘74 ‘Stang really gets my blood pumping!

+1 of the Coreys.

As an undersized, transgender Muslim I appreciate your comment. I sweat heavily living in Florida, sometimes no attire just makes more sense.

I’m with ya.

Smart woman.

All this ‘matchup’ crap is getting into every manager’s thinking.. If the relief pitcher is good, why not leave him in? “Gotta get a righty-on-righty matchup!” Even if the pitcher SUCKS they seem to prefer the fucking matchup. Lackey LOVES giving up the homer in his first inning pitched.

Obviously you are not a Hawkeye..

This guy is fucked. Should be caught inside of a day.

Yes, but there are shareholders. Just because they are not public, does not mean there are no shareholders. Banks, funds and individuals have put in millions of $$ to start these companies and are looking for a return, mainly through a public offering. Make no doubt about it, the earliest investors in uber have made

I choose helicopter.


I am very confused:

+10,000 steps

I know it was you Prieto. You broke my broke my heart!

Then please tell us exactly how this would work.

Welcome to Jay!

Leg it out for 2 more years and double what you have made over your career.