Damn you.......damn you to hell.
Damn you.......damn you to hell.
ALL of them.
Reminds me of the F40.
Probably because it’s complete fucking horseshit.
She describes herself as being defined as “disposable” and “garbage”.....meanwhile she actually disposed of a dead teenager like garbage...
“You Gone Learn Today!!”
Favorite car I ever owned. Those lines are beautiful. Popped a lot of engine mounts on that thing.
Desperate attempt by defense team. Don’t they have to open the bag to test the evidence? Yes. Processed evidence is now in a different bag. How does one remove only Kane’s DNA and leave other DNA in evidence?
Nice smokescreen by the defense. How does one remove Kane’s DNA, yet keep the other dudes DNA in there??
11/10...would hoon.
Start it out with ‘Running on Empty.’