
What does his channel growth have to do with anything? Other than saying, that since other people are ok with it I should be too? He made a racist decision in 2013. He then continued in that racist vein for almost 7 years. He at any point could have stopped, but he was worried about loss of traffic or whatever on

That last sentence is the sticking point to me. I don’t think he recognized anything except the loss of money. Did he change, yes. Was it for the better, yes. Was it for the right reasons, no. And if someone is willing to change their behaviors just because of the climate, that’s no ally that’s just someone trying

Well it’s a position he put himself into and now it feels like he wants credit for doing the “right” out of sense of change or moral epiphany, rather than financial imperative. If he made the change himself before the racial tensions got as hot as they are, then yeh kudos to him, he saw something he was doing as

This doesn’t feel like changing for the better. This feels like changing to make sure a revenue stream stays active. Seems disingenuous at the very least.

In that first picture she looks like Psylocke right?

You may be confused . The last Indiana Jones and the last crusade was released in 1989. Not sure what this 2008 Indiana Jones you’re talking about is.

Small donor contributions.

So the article should just be “Woman shot.” None of the details that put her in the wrong place at the wrong time should be included? We’ve all see articles that read “person doing random activity affected by random crime.” Random activity isn’t necessarily the cause of the random crime, but it explains the

She was in the wrong place at the right time because she was playing Pokémon GO. Kind of the point. Not a dig on games, but the game was part of the routine that put her where she was. So saying what happened didn’t have anything to do with the game is at best disingenuous and at worst ignorant of stated fact.

Or, you know, you could switch the channel if it bothers you and not tell someone how to keep their child alive. It’ll never be normalized if people tell mothers to keep it away from them until they’re done. So yes normalization of breast feeding would be nice, and you don’t get to tell any one where to go when they

My mother in law did exactly the same thing. Waited until both kids were done with college and moved on. She got her divorce and went online dating. Unbeknownst to me, there was/is a massive dedicated 50ish (if that’s the age you want to date) dating scene out there, containing people from all kinds of post marital

The things he had to do. My god.

he’s like the tom hanks of twitch. i really hope hes the real deal and we never find out he was actually eating people when he turned off the face cam.

We honor the only Sonic.

Trying to be more subtle and real. Politics, am I right?

The future is now